
Due to cable burning, there was no electricity for 12 hours in a large area of ​​Kokar, people were suffering from the heat.

Power cut in Jharkhand: In the capital these days, due to overloading in the scorching heat, the power supply has collapsed. Due to overload, burning of bunch cable and breaking of wire, there is power failure for hours. The cable attached to the pole near Mission School Chowk in Dhelatoli got burnt at around 1 am on Friday night. On Saturday afternoon at one o’clock the power was restored for a while, then it was cut again. After this the cable was connected at 4 pm. But, it got burnt. After this, electricity was restored by repairing the cable at 9.30 pm. Even after this, the process of coming and going of electricity continued continuously. Due to this, apart from Deepatoli, Bandhgadi, Ayodhyapuri and Khelgaon Chowk areas, many areas related to Kokar rural sub-station were affected. At the same time, there was a power failure for about four hours on Saturday morning in Bhabhanagar of Kokar around six hours due to the burning of the electric cable.

Here, there was a power failure in large areas of the capital from 10 pm to 12.15 pm on Friday night. Power supply became normal from Hatia, Namkum and other grids after 12.15 am. The senior official of the department said that the situation became normal after the availability of electricity. Apart from this, due to the removal of local faults in other areas on Saturday, there was a power failure for some time. At the same time, the people of rural areas are also troubled by the power cuts. Burning of transformers and other equipment is also causing trouble. There is no such area of ​​the district where unannounced power cuts are not being done. Consumers in Ratu Chatti, Haji Chowk, Saparom and Kokar areas are visiting the electricity office both day and night to repair the fault.

transformers replaced

Defective 100 KVA transformers in Simlia and burnt 200 KVA transformers in Premnagar Hesag have been replaced.

what the people of coker said

  • Electricity is being cut several times a day. Along with the common people, big and small shopkeepers are also troubled by the power cut in summer – Dharmdev Mishra

  • People are troubled by the chaos. Overload handling and equipment replacement should be done comprehensively – Shiv Ghulam Soni

  • Sleep is not complete due to power cut. I have been circling the electricity office for about eight hours to get a minor fuse made – Rajeev Jha

  • These days there is a serious problem of electricity in Kokar area. There are power cuts in this area several times a day – Ankit Kumar

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