
Drivers driving Tesla cars are not afraid of road accidents, know what the study report says

New Delhi: Road accidents have become a matter of concern for the country and the world. In India, government figures of people dying in road accidents are being questioned, while in America, Tesla drivers are being held responsible for road accidents. A study has found that people driving Tesla cars in America do not care about road accidents. The study also found that last year in America, Tesla drivers were involved in more road accidents than drivers of any other company.

Tesla drivers have the highest accident rate

A Hindustan Times report based on a study by Lending Tree said that between November 14, 2022, and November 13, 2023, Tesla drivers were involved in 23.54 percent road accidents per 1,000 drivers. Tesla drivers were followed by Ram (22.76 percent) and Subaru (20.90 percent) per 1,000 drivers. Meanwhile, drivers of Pontiac (8.41), Mercury (8.96) and Saturn (9.13) were involved in the fewest crashes. In Lending Tree’s study, analysis has been prepared on car drivers of 30 companies. This analysis says that the accident rate of Tesla drivers in America is very high.

DUI of drivers of these companies including Kia is less

Researchers found that BMW drivers were most likely to commit driving under the influence (DUI). They were involved in about 3 DUIs per 1,000 drivers in one year, which was almost double the rate of DUIs among Ram drivers. He was the second worst driver in this case. Nine car brands had drivers with a DUI rate below 1.00. Drivers of Mitsubishi (0.89), Volvo (0.92), Mercury (0.93) and Kia (0.93) had the lowest DUI rates for the analyzed period.

Accident rate of Tesla drivers difficult to determine

Lending Tree has said in its report that although it is difficult to find out why some brands have higher attrition rates than others. However, there are indications that some types of vehicles attract riskier drivers than others. Rob Bhatt, insurance expert at Lending Tree and a licensed insurance agent, says most people who drive minivans are more interested in schlepping their kids around town safely than zipping around in high-horsepower cars. He further said that no matter what vehicle you drive, it is important to be responsible while driving it. If you look at accident statistics, you will see that speeding, impairment and distracted driving are among the leading causes of car accidents. These are all habits that you can control.

Tesla recalled 2 million cars

Let us tell you that earlier this month, Elon Musk’s Tesla had announced that it was recalling more than 2 million (20 lakh) models sold in the United States due to safety concerns identified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Has been. The recall follows a 2-year investigation led by NHTSA into a series of Tesla vehicle crashes. Some of these were fatal. This occurred even when the Autopilot partially automated driving system was in use.

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