
Do you want long and thick hair? Adopt these methods of massage

Massage for Boosting Hair Growth: There is hardly any one of us who does not want long, thick and healthy hair. But, getting long and thick hair on the head is not so easy. For this we have to try many types of methods. To get healthy and vibrant hair on the head, many people use expensive products and many people go through a very difficult treatment process. But do you know that to get thick and long hair, you do not need to go through such an expensive and difficult process. You can get beautiful hair on your head by doing massage at your home. Massaging the head thoroughly is not a new practice, rather, its practice has been going on for a long time. Massaging your head is not only relaxing but doing so increases blood flow. Due to this, the speed of hair growth on your head increases to a great extent. In today’s article, we will tell you a very easy massage method, using which you can speed up the growth of hair on your head.

Improve blood flow

Massaging the scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicles, ensuring that they receive an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients. This improved blood flow promotes overall hair growth.

Reduction in stress level

Stress is a major factor contributing to hair loss. Head massage provides relief, massage reduces stress level and also reduces the effect of stress related hair problems.

Activating hair follicles

Gentle massage stimulates inactive hair follicles, encouraging them to transition into the active growth phase.

how to massage head

If you want to massage your head, then you should take special care of the things mentioned below. So let us know about these things.

prepare a comfortable environment

Before massaging your head, make sure that the place where you are sitting or lying is completely quiet. First of all, dim the lights of your room and play music of your choice. Calm your mind completely.

Choose the right oil

It is very important to choose the right oil for massaging your head. Use coconut, olive or jojoba oil for massage. This type of oil makes the process of massage easier. Not only this, by using the right oil you also get nourishment to your hair.

heat the oil

First of all, heat the oil you have chosen thoroughly. Keep in mind that you have heated the oil in the right amount. If the oil is too hot, it may burn your scalp.

divide hair into sections

Divide your hair into several parts. By doing this the oil will be able to reach all parts of the head properly.

apply oil

Start by applying a small amount of oil on your fingers. Start at the base of your neck and move upward, applying the oil evenly on your scalp.

start massage

Using your fingers, gently start massaging your scalp in circular motions. Focus on covering the entire head, paying extra attention to areas where you may experience thinning or hair loss.

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