
Do you also make these mistakes while cooking? Check your habits.

Life Style Tips: The amount of food ingredients required for tasty food. It is equally important to cook it properly. But many times, due to our cooking habits, we keep repeating common mistakes. In such a situation, there is a list of some common mistakes which are important to check. There are some special tips along with this.

  • Often people have a habit of taking out a piece of meat from the freezer and putting it on fire, in the oven or on the grill. This is a big mistake, because even if the meat appears cooked from outside, it remains raw from inside. It is advisable to take the meat out of the freezer for a night before cooking it. You can keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours before cooking so that it can defrost properly.

  • Often in many homes the same knife is used to prepare many dishes which is wrong. Using the right knife for every cut makes the whole process easier and faster. For cutting meat, choose a larger knife while for vegetables, fruits and vegetables choose a smaller knife.

Stirring fresh-made rice

Some people make the mistake of stirring the rice as soon as it is cooked, but this only helps them in leaving it even wetter. This is because stirring the rice releases the starch and also breaks the grains. Is. Therefore, to keep it loose you should avoid stirring it while cooking. On the other hand, you should use the right amount of water..

Placing ingredients in saucepan
  • Often what we do is cook all types of food with the same type of oil, but not all cooking oils are the same. Some are perfect for frying and roasting while others taste rancid when used at high temperatures such as pure olive oil is dark in color and strong in flavor and is ideal for making sauces and frying at low temperatures but more It is best not to use it for temperature. Vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil, are best suited for frying, roasting and baking.

  • When we heat cold food. So the most common mistake is that the food is put in the pan when it is cold, due to which it absorbs more fat. So first heat the utensils, add oil in it and when it is heating, add the ingredients.

There is no harm in tasting food
  • We all must have heard from our elders that one should not taste the food while cooking but the truth is that there is no harm in tasting the food while cooking, it is important to check whether the dressing is good or not, or whether the meat, pasta, Or whatever you are preparing, it is at the right point and texture. This allows you to avoid mistakes and gives you a chance to improve the taste.

  • Do you cut onions wrong? You will say no, but the truth is that tears come in your eyes while cutting onion. This happens when we cut it into pieces, due to which its cells break, and gases are released from it, which along with tears. Causes irritation in eyes. One solution to this is to cut the onion with a sharp knife following the direction of its fibers, which are the lines that run from the root to the stem. The ideal is to cut it into strips which will produce less aerosols.

Do not add oil to pasta water
  • How often does it happen that if you add oil to the water in which you are going to cook pasta, it does not stick, but this is a myth, it should not be done. Adding oil to the pasta water not only prevents the dough from sticking to the pan, but it can also make the pasta heavier, making it harder for the sauce to stick. This is because oil does not mix with water.

  • The water in which you boil pasta is often thrown away but this water is used to make the sauce more thick and tasty.

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