
Do these things to remove negative thoughts from your mind

Health Tips: Today, in the busy life, most of the people are facing stress and anxiety. Due to the competition to move ahead in a short time and unhealthy lifestyle, people are getting trapped in the trap of negative thoughts. In such a situation, the tendency of depression, irritability and anger has increased significantly among people. Also, negative thoughts are dominating the mind. However, it is very easy to break free from the bondage of negativity and keep the mind calm. Here, Yoga Guru Dr. Hansaji Yogendra has given information about five such measures, with the help of which we can remove negative thoughts from our mind.

practice antithesis

Pratipaksha sentiment originated from yoga philosophy. Pratyaksha Bhavana is a practical exercise that anyone can adopt to train the mind to think more positively and reduce suffering and false thoughts. When negative emotions overwhelm us, the practice of counter-feeling encourages us to think toward positivity. This process triggers neural remodeling, which gradually reduces the feeling of negativity present in our mind and brain.

Immerse yourself in selfless service

If we engage in selfless service, it not only benefits the community but is also beneficial for our mental health. When we serve others, our bodies release oxytocin and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters associated with happiness and satisfaction. Seeing the positive impact of your actions will increase your sense of purpose and satisfaction, removing negativity from your mind.

  • Choose a job that suits you.
  • Devote time and energy to selfless service.
  • Experience happiness and satisfaction from your noble deeds.

chant and chant mantras

Rhythmic chanting of sacred mantras and mantras has a deep impact on our mind and brain. This keeps the mind very calm and full of energy. While chanting mantras we are in meditative posture. This keeps the mind calm and reduces the stress level. Therefore, by chanting mantras, you should feel positivity within yourself. Also remove negative thoughts.

  • Choose a mantra or sacred mantra of your choice.
  • Set aside a few moments every day for lessons.
  • Feel the positivity within yourself.

Also Read: Health Tips: Know the condition of your health from the color of your tongue.

Write 10 positive things daily

In the digital age, writing down your thoughts may seem old fashioned, but if you have the habit of writing in a diary or on paper, it can play an important role in keeping yourself positive. It has a lot of therapeutic value. This simple exercise increases our focus. This creates a feeling of gratitude within you. You also get inspired to see the world from this perspective. In this way, with time you will see a lot of changes in your mindset.

-Reflect on the day’s positive experiences or things for which you are grateful.

  • Write them down in a journal or notebook.
  • Develop a feeling of gratitude within yourself.

spend time regularly in nature

Nature has the amazing ability to heal and refresh the mind. Spending time in nature reduces cortisol levels and improves mood. It also promotes mental clarity and emotional well-being. So spend time alone in nature regularly. For this, if you want, you can take a walk in the park or plan something in the forest on weekend holidays. Apart from this, also feel the cleansing power present in nature.

  • Whenever possible, plan a trip to a forest and immerse yourself in the beautiful surroundings of nature.
    -Let your senses indulge in the beautiful sights, sounds and smells of the forest.
    -During this time, reduce the stress present within you and experience a better mood.

Adopt a healthy and holistic lifestyle

Follow a healthy and holistic lifestyle in your life to keep yourself positive. In fact, it is very important for mental and physical health. Therefore, you should eat nutritious food at the right time. Do regular exercise. Get enough sleep daily. Also strengthen your relationships. Give priority to self-care activities like yoga, asana, pranayam and meditation to develop harmony and flexibility in life. Face the challenges of life with courage and conviction, because the key to a better life lies deep within your own being.

These are the benefits of being positive

Keeping yourself mentally positive provides many benefits. This improves your mental, emotional and physical health. Your relationships improve. Your immune system works better. Apart from this, there is an increase in your motivation and productivity. So stay positive and be happy!

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