
Do not be careless about your hair in winter, take special care with changes in care.

Winter Hair Care


The cold winter air sucks moisture from our hair, making it weak and prone to breakage. Combat this by prioritizing hydration. Apply moisturizing shampoo and conditioner formulated for your hair type. Glycerine, Shea Butter and Argan Oil help lock in moisture and provide a protective barrier against harsh weather

Limit washing frequency

Frequent washing can strip your hair of its natural oil, which can further increase the dryness that comes in winter. Try increasing the time between washes to preserve those essential oils. Consider using dry shampoo in between washes to refresh your hair and absorb excess oil without the need for water.

Do not wash with hot water

Although a hot shower may seem tempting during cold weather, it can be harmful to the health of your hair. Hot water strips the hair of its natural oils and leaves the hair cuticles open, leading to increased dryness and frizz. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair and cold water to seal the cuticles and add shine. Wash with.

protective styling

Protect your hair from harsh winter winds. These styles protect your hair from environmental damage that can cause breakage. Make sure not to make the style too tight to avoid unnecessary stress on your hair

regular trims

Winter doesn’t mean you should neglect your regular trimming. Trimming your hair every 8-12 weeks helps prevent split ends and breakage, ensuring that your hair remains healthy and vibrant. Regular trimming also contributes to maintaining your preferred style and overall health of the hair.

scalp care

A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair. Keep your scalp moisturized by regularly massaging a nourishing oil like jojoba or almond oil into your scalp. It stimulates blood circulation, promotes hair growth, and helps deal with dryness and flakiness.

stay safe outside

Just as you protect your skin from the winter weather, your hair also needs the same care. Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from cold air and prevent moisture loss. Satin or silk-lined hats can be especially beneficial, as they reduce friction and static, reducing breakage.

Limit Heat Styling

Minimize use of heat styling tools during the winter months, as they can contribute to dryness and damage. If you must use them, apply a heat protectant spray or serum beforehand to minimize potential damage to natural hair. Go for styles that require minimal heat styling to keep your hair relaxed

stay hydrated and eat well

Healthy hair starts from within Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet Hair vitamins and minerals like biotin, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids Contribute to health and can be found in foods such as nuts, seeds, fish and leafy greens

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