
Diwali Safety Tips: Take special care of children on Diwali, take care of their safety in this way

diwali safety tips for kids

The festival of Diwali is that time of the year when there is an atmosphere of joy in homes, offices and communities. This festival of lights, rangoli, sparklers, delicious food and family bonding is also a time when the safety of your family members, especially children, can be a matter of concern. In such a situation, you have to keep in mind that children should enjoy the festival with safety.

diwali kids safety tips

Take care of children’s safety

Safety doesn’t just mean being careful around lamps and firecrackers. It also includes many other things like taking care of the safety of children. It is important to adopt safety measures while celebrating Diwali. In such a situation, some safety tips for children for Diwali have been given which you should follow.

safety tips for kids

Keep a first aid kit ready

First of all, make sure that you have a first aid kit and fire extinguisher ready. By doing this, if any injury occurs due to firecrackers or any other fire or any fire occurs, then it can be resolved.

kids protection tips


Crackers are a big part of Diwali, especially when you have teenagers and children in the family. However, if firecrackers are not handled properly, accidents can occur. You have to keep in mind that if small children want to burn crackers, then you should also go with them and guide them while burning the crackers.

kids on diwali


Who doesn’t like to dress up on an occasion like Diwali? Parents dress their children according to the latest trends. However, it is important for you to dress sensibly while bursting crackers. Avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics, as they can easily catch fire.

kids during diwali

protect eyes

It is very important to take care of eye safety while bursting crackers during Diwali. Especially, of children’s eyes. There are some tips regarding eye safety that you should take special care of. For example, when bursting firecrackers from close range, wear glasses over your eyes, or turn away children’s faces when fireworks are going off. After burning crackers, ask them to wash their hands with soap and water before touching their eyes.

diwali crackers

give age appropriate crackers

No matter how courageous your child is. You should buy him crackers according to his age. Even if he insists on this, then buy crackers and give him crackers, but stay near them while burning them, so that if any accident happens, you can immediately solve it.

diwali safety tips

noise and smoke pollution

The noise level during Diwali can be deafening. Even if you are not bursting noisy crackers, people in your neighborhood might be doing so. The elderly, children and infants may find this noise unbearable. In such a situation, keeping the safety of children in mind, limit the use of firecrackers.

safety tips for kids

don’t leave alone

Do not send children out alone to burn crackers. Keep an eye on them. It is important to pay attention not only to small children but also to older children. Pay attention to firecrackers while burning them.

diwali safety tips


Diwali is the time when our homes sparkle with the glow of beautiful earthen lamps. While they bring light to our lives, lamps can also become the cause of fire. Therefore, make sure that your children remain safe from related accidents.

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