
Diwali 2023 Safety Tips: Keep these 10 things in mind while bursting crackers on Diwali

Keep these things in mind while bursting crackers on Diwali

Diwali is a festival of happiness, joy and enthusiasm. On this day everyone removes darkness by lighting lamps. They also burn firecrackers. It is very important to keep many things in mind while bursting crackers on Diwali. If you do not keep these things in mind then bad results can be seen. Let us know what things are important to keep in mind while burning firecrackers.

Do not touch your eyes after burning crackers

Do not touch your eyes at all after burning crackers on Diwali. Crackers contain many types of chemicals which harm our body.

Keep an arm’s distance while bursting crackers

There should be a distance of one hand while burning firecrackers. If small children are burning firecrackers then they can take the help of incense sticks. This will not burn your hands.

Keep eyes, face and head away while burning crackers.

While burning firecrackers, keep your eyes, face and head away. The smoke from firecrackers can cause irritation in your eyes.

burn crackers at these places

Burn crackers in an open place. Avoid burning crackers on the road or in the middle of the road. There are always cars passing on the road. In such a situation, one may become victim of an accident.

wash eyes with clean water

If anything accidentally gets into your eyes while burning crackers, wash them immediately with clean water. Apart from this, you can also apply ice or snow. This will give some relief to your eyes.

use plain glasses

Use plain glasses while burning crackers. This will protect your eyes. If you are wearing lenses then do not look at the crackers burning. Doing this may cause irritation in your eyes.

don’t go near firecrackers

Children should never go near those firecrackers which have not burst properly. Often we see that some firecrackers do not burst properly but after some time they burst, in such a situation going near the firecracker immediately would be no less dangerous. Avoid doing this.

What to do after burning crackers

After burning the firecracker, wash both your hands thoroughly with hand wash or soap. Eat something only after that because crackers can be dangerous for us.

Do not let small children burn crackers alone.

Never allow small children to burn crackers alone. Always have an elder with them and show them the right direction and tell them how to burn crackers.

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