
Divisional Commissioner – DM reached industrial area, problems ranging from road to encroachment were found, complaints were received

At CFTI, the Divisional Commissioner obtained information about the total number of children receiving training there, their placement process and various outreach programs running in the institute. Instructions were given to improve the placement status of the trainees. Saw the presentation of e-rickshaw made by CFTI at a cost of Rs 1 lakh 35 thousand for Paduka artisans using innovative experiments. Had a meeting with the entrepreneurs in the auditorium, in the meeting the entrepreneurs raised the problem of road repair, path way, and drainage system in the industrial area, water logging, cleaning of drains, beautification of parks, garbage dump, and sites A and B. For smooth supply of electricity, the problems of establishment of sub-station, encroachment, street lights etc. were placed before the Divisional Commissioner and District Magistrate.

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