
Disaster Management Department gave instructions to change Bihar School Timing

Bihar School Timings: In view of the ever increasing heat in Bihar, the Disaster Management Department has issued guidelines for the Principal Secretaries, Secretaries and all DMs of all departments. Officials of the departments have been instructed to follow these guidelines. In which it has been said that to protect the school children from the heat, the schools should either operate in the morning shift only or the summer holidays should be declared before the scheduled time. In view of the summer conditions, the DM can review the decision to close the schools for a short period. Similarly, a decision should be taken to change the opening and closing time of Anganwadi centres, so that children can be protected from the scorching heat. Along with this, instructions have also been given to ensure medicines and beds in all hospitals.

Mobile teams will be formed in the districts

In the summer season, a mobile medical team should also be formed which, if needed, will help the medical team in taking seriously ill people along with children to the hospital. All schools and centers have been instructed to keep packets of ORS as medicine. Support regarding health for newborns, infants, children, mothers and pregnant women will be at the center through the Health Department.

You will get grant within 12 hours by doing Jio tagging.

The Disaster Management Department has sent guidelines to all the districts to complete relief work during fire as per SOP, so that people living in rural areas and slum areas can be made aware. Geo tagging and photography will be done while surveying the burnt and damaged houses immediately. On the same report, the grant will be paid within 12 hours. In case of a major fire, the District Officer himself has to reach the spot and make complete arrangements for assistance.

District administration should start awareness program among the people

  • After cooking food, extinguish the fire of the stove completely with water before the gusts of wind become strong. – It should be ensured that the spark of the fire of the stove is completely extinguished.
  • While going out of the house, it should be ensured that the electricity is switched off. – Food should be cooked in a place where there is no gust of wind.
  • Food should be cooked in a place where there is no gust of wind; beedis and cigarettes should not be smoked and thrown here and there or towards the barn.

given to districts This also Instruction

  • Under MNREGA, the schemes for digging of ponds, ponds etc. should be expedited, so that water can be collected in them and water can be made available to animals and birds. During heatwave, the working hours of MNREGA can be extended from 6 am to 11 am and from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
  • Arrangements for drinking water, establishment of special shelters and first aid in case of heat stroke should be made at the work place. Publicity should be increased so that people can protect themselves during heat wave.
  • Along with the provision of water and ice pads, sheds will also have to be arranged for the laborers working in the open, constructing buildings and working in factories. Labor Resources Department: To avoid the heat wave, the working hours for the workers can be fixed from 6 AM to 11 AM and from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
  • First aid arrangements will be made with water and ORS in public transport. Instructions have also been given to repair all the loose electrical wires. Instructions have been given to start control rooms for protection from heat wave in all the districts. As far as possible, movement of vehicles should be minimized and the movement of public transport vehicles can be controlled from 11 am to 3.30 pm.
  • PHED should repair all the broken hand pumps on war footing, where there is water crisis. Arrange for a tanker to deliver water there. Regularly review the groundwater level.
  • What to do and what not to do during heat wave in Panchayats near Panchayati Raj Department. Promote it. Arrangements for drinking water can be made in Panchayats and work can be done on water conservation schemes.
  • The Energy Department should repair the loose electrical wires, so that the wires do not collide with each other and fire occurs.
  • The State Fire Directorate should complete all preparations for rescue operations during fire incidents.

Also read: Temperature sky high since April, disaster department alerts districts regarding heat wave

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