
Diesel buses will not run on the roads of Patna, operation of autos will also be affected, know the reason..

Bihar News: Diesel buses will no longer run in Patna, the capital of Bihar. In order to improve the air quality in Patna urban area, the operation of diesel city buses will stop in Patna Municipal Corporation, Danapur, Khagaul and Phulwarisharif Municipal Council areas from late Saturday night. The Transport Department had issued a notification regarding this in the month of March. After this, no new instructions have been issued by the department till late Friday night. In such a situation, it is expected that the operation of diesel buses in Patna, Danpur, Phulwarisharif and Khagaul will stop from Saturday. On the other hand, all three-wheelers running on diesel will be banned in Gaya and Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation areas from Saturday midnight. In this regard, the department issued instructions on Friday and directed the DTOs of Muzaffarpur and Gaya to strictly enforce this order and completely stop the operation of diesel-powered autos.

Ban on diesel running buses from Sunday

Diesel-powered city buses will be banned in Patna urban area after midnight on Saturday in the state. According to the notification of the Transport Department, diesel powered city buses will not be run in Patna Municipal Corporation, Danapur Khagaul and Phulwarisharif after midnight of 30th September. In view of the departmental instructions, the District Transport Office has also banned the operation of diesel buses. From Sunday i.e. October 1, there will be a ban on diesel running city buses in Patna urban area. According to the notification of the Transport Department, after September 30, diesel powered city buses will not be run in Danapur, Khagaul and Phulwarisharif along with Patna Municipal Corporation. However, this will make a difference to the common people in travelling. But, diesel buses harm the environment. Therefore, the operation of these buses has been banned.

Decision taken in view of pollution

At present, the operation of new CNG buses has not been started in the capital as per the target. There is already a ban on diesel powered autos. The reason for this is pollution. In view of pollution, the Transport Department has already banned diesel-powered autos in Patna urban area. There is a complete ban on diesel-run autos in Patna, Phulwarisharif, Danapur and Khagaul. Instead, CNG and battery operated autos are being continuously promoted.

Grant will be given for CNG buses

Please note that there is a holiday in the state for the next two days. In such a situation, there is less possibility of extension of time limit from the department level. The department has made a plan to promote CNG buses instead of diesel city buses. Under the City Bus Incentive Scheme, 121 beneficiaries have been selected in Patna district only. Let us tell you that 30 percent subsidy up to a maximum of Rs 7.5 lakh will also be given for CNG buses. Applications have also been invited for this. For this reason, from the point of view of public safety and convenience, the operation of such vehicles will be stopped in a phased manner. The order to ban diesel powered buses is going to come into effect from midnight of 30th September.

Now new rules will be followed in Bihar from October 1. Buses running on diesel will be stopped in Patna and surrounding urban areas. In view of the increasing pollution, the Transport Department had issued its notification in March itself. This will now come into effect from Sunday. It says that city buses running on diesel emit comparatively more polluted gas, which adversely affects the health of citizens. Due to departmental order, the District Transport Office has also started preparations to ban the operation of diesel buses. Diesel buses will be banned from Sunday. Besides, the operation of autos will also be affected.

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