
Dhanbad: Wasseypur bridge has become a cause of problems for the people, accidents are happening every day.

Dhanbad: Even after the construction of the bridge in Wasseypur, the problems of the people did not end. Soil has been dumped on both sides of the bridge and has been abandoned. Due to this, accidents are happening every day. The situation here has become more dire after the rain on Monday. Potholes have formed in the soil at many places. Due to this, pedestrians are facing problems. On the other hand, the road leading to Millat Colony is completely filled with mud.
Soil added 10 days ago: The construction work of the bridge has not been completed. In such a situation, soil has been poured on both sides of the road, so that vehicles can pass on the bridge. But this soil has become a cause of further trouble. The wheel of the vehicle is getting stuck in the mud. Due to this, there is a traffic jam throughout the day. When the vehicle is landed from the side of the bridge, the front part of the vehicle is getting broken.

Difficult to go to Millat Colony: Due to soil, the road to Millat Colony has become marshy. It is difficult to walk, let alone drive, on this route. Due to the mud, the sales of nearby shopkeepers have been affected.

People say: Why is the people of Wasseypur getting step-motherly treatment? The department should have built the road properly. The month of Ramadan is about to start. In such a situation, people going to offer Namaz will face problems. The department should take cognizance of this.
Khalid Saif

The people of Wasseypur are being given step-motherly treatment. Due to mud, shopkeeping has ended. The department is not concerned with the problems of the people here.
Sarwar Nisar

Soil has been poured and left. The situation here became miserable when it rained. The month of Ramadan is about to start. If the situation continues like this, how will people go to offer Namaz?
Rashid Alam

Earlier there was problem due to the bridge, now the problem has increased due to dumping of soil and leaving it there. People coming and going here are facing problems due to mud. The problem should go away.
Irshad Alam

The casting of the bridge was done on 6th February. Thought everything would be fine now, but it did not happen. Now there will be trouble in Ramzan also. The department should look into the matter.
Shahid Alam

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