
Dhanbad: Theft of three lakh rupees in BCCL lab in Angarpathra, thieves committed the incident by breaking the window.

How did the incident happen?

When lab workers Rajendra Nonia and Jhirka Oraon opened the lock of the lab on Wednesday morning, both were stunned to see the scene inside. All the stuff was scattered here and there in the lamb. Many valuable items were missing. The workers informed the authorities about the incident. After receiving the information, Katras area sales officer Ritesh Kumar Singh, personnel manager administration Saurabh Kumar Singh reached the lab and took information about the incident. The officials instructed the personnel to make a list of the stolen items. Thieves took away 10 pieces of 12 volt batteries, 16 pieces of 150 mAh, two 180 mAh batteries, two inverters, an AC and other items. personnel manager Told that property worth three lakhs was stolen from the lab.

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