
Development work going on in Naxalite affected areas, security forces are monitoring

Chhattisgarh : Efforts are on to eliminate Naxalites in Chhattisgarh, but despite all the efforts, Naxalism is not taking the name of ending. Every day there is news of Naxalites creating havoc in the state. The geographical structure of the state has proved very useful for the Naxalites to hide and hatch conspiracies.

Taking the local people into confidence is a big challenge

Naxalites used to speak in areas like Bijapur, Sukma, Dantewada and Narayanpur of Chhattisgarh. Seeing the threat of Naxalites, the security personnel also have to set up camp in the area. To stop the activities of the Naxalites, the police set up a camp, but their biggest challenge was to take the local residents into their confidence. Children, old men, men and women all had a nexus with the Naxalites.

Naxalites instigate innocent villagers

These local residents used to inform the Naxalites about the movements of the security forces every moment. But we also cannot say that it is the fault of the local people. Because, the Naxalites instigate the innocent villagers against the government and administration by taking them in their words, as a result of which they get hurt due to the repeated interference of the security forces in their own area and join hands with the Naxalites.

Government planning to set up 8 new camps

Chhattisgarh government is planning to set up 8 new camps to strengthen its hold in the Maoist stronghold. However, to do so, the government may have to face a lot of opposition. The camps are to be set up in Dantewada, Kondagaon, Bijapur and Sukma districts. Setting up of police camps in Maoist strongholds is an important part of the state government’s anti-Naxal policy.

Naxalites’ hold will weaken as soon as the camp opens

Talking to the media, Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu said that setting up police camps in Maoist-held areas is an important part of the state government’s anti-Naxal policy. He stressed that as soon as the camp opens, the hold of Naxalites in these areas will automatically start weakening and other development works can also be done.

SP Pushkar Sharma tweeted information

Meanwhile, a video has surfaced from Sonpur area of ​​Chhattisgarh in which development work is going on under the supervision of security forces in Naxal-affected areas. In this episode, Narayanpur SP Pushkar Sharma gave information by tweeting about the development works being done in the area. He said that we are running anti-Naxal operations in Naxal-affected areas and are also trying to provide security to the development works. He said that the purpose of this is that government schemes can reach the interior areas.

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