
Despite this much heat, there will be so much rain in India, know how the rest of the year will be

It is predicted to be extremely hot this year. Let us tell you that the period from January to March was the fourth hottest ever. March this year was the second warmest year ever, behind only 2016, while April was the fourth warmest.

Heat-wave conditions not even defined

Let us tell you that this was expected to be an extremely dry and hot year in the subcontinent. In a sign of things to come, India experienced a heat-wave-like condition in February itself, a month for which heat-wave conditions have not even been defined, as heat waves are expected only in April, May and June. and, not unexpectedly, there were some severe heatwaves in various parts of the country in April and May, including a tragic incident in Mumbai in April that killed at least 13 people.

The potential to spoil India’s monsoon season

Despite IMD’s forecast of normal rainfall, there are apprehensions about the monsoon. The ongoing development of El Nino in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which is expected to become very strong in the coming months, has the potential to disturb India’s monsoon season.

In fact, this rain has only moderated the temperature. Even in Rajasthan, one of the hottest states of the country, there was hardly two to three days of heat wave in the entire season. Most of the rainfall activity during the last three months occurred over North and Northwest India and Central India, and was caused by Western Disturbances.

15 percent received normal rainfall

IMD data shows that 458 out of 717 districts in the country, about 64 per cent, received above normal rainfall during the three-month period between March and May. Another 104 or about 15 per cent received normal rainfall. At this time of the year, it is very similar to 2021, but otherwise the wettest in the last five years.

Western Disturbances often affect the weather conditions in India, especially in the North-Western regions. This year, there were eight western disturbances in May alone, and as many in April, bringing continuous, sometimes heavy, rains over large parts of India.

However, the current weather conditions in India are not an indication of how the rest of the year will be. These conditions are the result of short-term local interactions that have no effect on long-term weather.

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