
Dengue cases started increasing in the rainy season, protect children from its attack, identify what are the symptoms.

Dengue fever: Playfulness is in the nature of children. They don’t sit still in one place. Whatever may be the weather, the routine of their game should remain the same which is always there. In such a situation, many times they also become ill. In fact, due to continuous rains in monsoon, a situation of water logging is created in many places. In these waterlogged places, the risk of mosquitoes to thrive and other vector-borne diseases increases. If high fever, rashes, severe headache and body ache persists in children, then it should not be ignored., All these can be symptoms of dengue, Health complaints of children should never be ignored. Parents must show their child to a doctor as soon as possible.

Dengue fever

What to do to save children from dengue?

Dengue fever is a mosquito borne disease. It is spread by the Aedes mosquito, which also transmits viruses like Zika and Chikungunya. A mosquito bites a person suffering from dengue fever and then bites someone else, by which he becomes infected. In this, platelets start falling rapidly in people with weak immunity. If not taken care of properly, the situation can be fatal. Measures should be taken to avoid such risks. To prevent this, it is necessary that water should not be allowed to accumulate inside and outside the house. Dengue mosquitoes thrive in stagnant and clean water. If it is necessary for you to store water, then store water in a closed container. You can put net covers in the windows in the houses so that fresh air comes into the houses but there is no entry of mosquitoes. It is advisable to consult a doctor if the child has a persistent fever for more than two days. Parents should ensure that their children wear full sleeves and clothes that cover most of their body. This will prevent mosquitoes from biting them. Along with this, it is advised to use mosquito repellent cream on the body of children. Dengue mosquitoes do not enter the houses, so after dark in the evening, do close the doors and windows.

Don’t get caught in the trap of self-treatment

Many parents start treating their children on their own when their children fall ill during the monsoon season. In such a situation, instead of improving, the matter starts getting worse. That’s why more care is needed, especially when there is a very high fever. In this situation, it is very important to follow the advice of the doctor. Try to keep immunity strong. Dress the child in fully covered clothes, apply mosquito repellent cream on the exposed parts of the body and if possible keep the windows and doors of the house closed. Doing this reduces the risk of dengue transmission. Give plenty of water and fluids to the patient so that he will remain hydrated. It would be right for him to rest as much as possible.

Dengue fever

What are the symptoms of dengue in children

Talking about the symptoms of dengue in children, it is important to know that dengue fever usually manifests its symptoms after 4 to 10 days of infection. About 1 in 20 people with dengue may develop severe dengue after the initial symptoms subside. Worsening of dengue symptoms can become life-threatening. That’s why parents should be alert about the early symptoms of dengue in children. Symptoms include very high fever, severe headache (especially behind the eyes), body aches, joint pain, and a rash that appears a few days after the fever. Other symptoms include vomiting, bleeding gums, easy bruising, and abdominal pain. If any of these symptoms are seen in children, then medical help should be taken for proper treatment of dengue fever. Dengue fever is diagnosed after identifying it with a blood test. The best way to avoid the risk of dengue fever is to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes. Along with this, it is necessary to keep your home and surroundings clean and to make others aware about it.

Dengue fever

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