
Delhi Pollution: Delhi has become the most polluted city in the world, protect yourself like this

Delhi Pollution: The situation of air pollution in Delhi is getting worse day by day. Even before the onset of winter, the condition of air quality index is bad in most cities. Due to increasing pollution, people in metropolitan cities are facing many health problems. According to IQAir data, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata are among the most polluted cities in the world. According to reports, New Delhi is at first place with AQI of 483, followed by Lahore at 371. Kolkata and Mumbai were also among the cities most affected by air pollution with AQI of 206 and 162 respectively.

List of most polluted cities in the world

City – AQI

  1. Delhi – 483

  2. Lahore, Pakistan – 371

  3. Kolkata – 206

  4. Dhaka, Bangladesh – 189

  5. Karachi, Pakistan – 162

  6. Mumbai – 162

  7. Shenyang, China – 159

  8. Hangzhou, China – 159

  9. Kuwait – 155

  10. Wuhan, China – 152

cause of air pollution

  • low temperature

  • lack of air

  • Stubble burning in neighboring states

  • Due to seasonal combination

How to protect yourself from air pollution

Air pollution has a bad effect on the heart and lungs. In such a situation, it is important to adopt some methods to keep the lungs healthy. If you are going out somewhere, then first of all you need to know what is the level of pollution. It is important to keep yourself updated about the quality of the site. You can find out with the help of many apps online.

How to arrange fresh air inside the car

When you get into your car, roll down your windows to let air circulate. Also, make sure to turn the AC on indoor circulation (recirculation) mode to purify the air inside your car.

Avoid wearing shoes indoors

To prevent pollutants from spreading indoors, create a clean indoor environment by instituting a no-shoe policy at your door to promote healthy indoor air quality.

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