
Delhi: Criminals chased a young man and shot him, then slit his throat with a knife, your soul will tremble after seeing the CCTV footage.

A heart-wrenching incident is coming to light from Delhi. On one hand, when the entire country was immersed in the celebrations of 26 January, an incident created a sensation in the national capital. Elaborate security arrangements were made in Delhi for Republic Day, but some criminals chased a young man and shot him in Shastri Park area of ​​North Delhi. Even then, when the criminals were not satisfied, they tried to stab the young man several times with a knife and slit his throat. The big thing is that when the criminals were planning the crime, the market was open at that time.

Criminal absconds after shooting young man, case registered

Delhi Police said, a PCR call was received regarding the firing in Shastri Park. The victim was admitted to JPC Hospital. Later the victim was referred to GTB Hospital and then to RML Hospital. Both his legs are injured. Police said, the victim alleges that four people first attacked him with a knife and then one of them shot him and injured him. The case has been registered and investigation is underway. All four accused are absconding. Efforts are being made to catch them. Actually the incident happened on January 26 at around 8:30 pm.

CCTV footage surfaced

CCTV footage of the incident that took place in Delhi has surfaced. Watching the footage will send shivers down your spine. It is clearly visible in the video that some people are chasing a young man. A criminal is also seen chasing the young man on a scooter. In the video, criminals are seen running, catching the young man and attacking him. The big thing is that when the criminals were planning the crime, the market was open and a person could be seen closing his shop. After injuring the young man, the criminals easily escape. But no one came forward to save the young man.

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