
Death cases of people suffering from diabetes increased due to problems arising from Covid: Research

Covid Side Effect Diabetes Deaths Research

Increase in cases of deaths of patients suffering from diabetes

New Delhi, Due to the constraints caused by the Covid pandemic, there has been an increase in the cases of deaths of patients suffering from diabetes. This information has come to light in a new research published in ‘The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal’.

Problem of blindness in people suffering from diabetes

In this research, the data before and during the pandemic was compared and it was found that the problem of blindness has also increased in people suffering from diabetes. According to the research, it had the biggest impact on women, youth and ethnic minority groups.

Effects of the pandemic on patients suffering from diabetes

The team of researchers, including the World Health Organization (WHO), looked at studies 39 in North America, 39 in Western Europe, 17 in Asia, and 138 in Eastern Europe, South America, Egypt, Australia, and several other regions that looked at the effects of diabetes on patients with diabetes. In order to know the effects of the epidemic,

Who is at risk for death or serious illness from COVID?

Jamie Hartman-Boyce, assistant professor of health policy and promotion at the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, US, said, “We were looking for an answer to the question whether you are more likely to get infected with Covid if you have diabetes.” Is the risk of death and serious illness higher? It was clear from the data – yes, you are in danger.

Cases of diabetic ketoacidosis also increase in children and adolescents

Along with the increase in deaths, researchers found that pediatric icu In diabetes There has been an increase in the number of patients related to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) as well as cases of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children and adolescents.

DKA, a serious life-threatening complication of diabetes

DKA is a serious life-threatening problem related to diabetes. Its symptoms include vomiting, stomach pain, deep breathing and frequent urination. Researchers reported that there were more new cases of type 1 diabetes than expected and that children suffering from this diabetes were more likely to die than in non-pandemic periods. More people fell ill during the pandemic.

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