
Cyber ​​criminals spreading malware taking advantage of ChatGPT’s popularity, read full news


ChatGPT misuse: Chatbot (Chatbot) of Microsoft supported Open AI (ChatGPT) is becoming popular day by day. Alam is that taking advantage of its popularity, cyber criminals are taking advantage of ChatGPT’s popularity to misuse legitimate Facebook accounts to spread malware. Cyber ​​intelligence company Cloudsec has said this. CloudSec’s investigation revealed that there are 13 Facebook pages or accounts that are being used by cyber criminals to spread malware through Facebook ads. These also include accounts or pages with Indian content and all of them have a total of more than five lakh followers.

Cyber ​​criminals are taking advantage of ChatGPT, abusing legitimate Facebook accounts to spread malware through ads and misusing Facebook’s vast user base, said Bablu Kumar, cyber intelligence analyst at the company. They are putting the security of the users at risk. Our investigation revealed that 13 pages with more than five lakh followers were hijacked by cyber criminals. (with language input)


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