
CTX: So that even birds cannot kill, the security system at the airport will be changed; What is full body scanner?

What Is CTX Technology : New technologies are being used in the country for airport security. Under this, full body scanners are expected to be installed at Delhi Airport by May 2024. Computer tomography X-ray can also be installed by May next year. Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) Director General Zulfiqar Hasan said that due to some provisioning issues, the deadline for installing full-body scanners and CTX scanners at some airports is being extended. Both the devices were to be installed by December 31. In the national capital, Hasan said that there are some provision related issues. BCAS is in discussion with airport operators on the installation of scanners. He said, we hope to install the full body scanner and X-ray machine by May.

use of computer tomography x-ray

Hasan said both are expected to be installed at the Delhi airport by May next year. BCAS had recommended last year to install scanners equipped with computer tomography technology at airports. After the installation of CTX (Computer Tomography X-ray) scanner, passengers will not have to remove electronic devices from their luggage during security check at airports. Currently, during security check at airports, passengers have to remove electronic items and keep them in a separate tray.

Investigation will be done through full-body scanner

The introduction of full-body scanners marks a significant advancement in passenger screening, providing a more comprehensive approach to security checks. BCAS Director General Zulfikar Hasan revealed that the deadline for installation of these scanners and CTX machines is being extended due to provisioning issues, and full-body scanners at airports with annual passenger traffic of more than 10 million and airports with more than 5 million. The initial deadline for installing CTX machines at passenger airports was set for December 31. However, the revised deadline, which is now expected to be May 2024, reflects commitment. To ensure smooth and phased deployment of these advanced security technologies. Delhi Airport, as the country’s largest airport with passenger traffic of over 70 million in the current financial year ending March 2024, is at the forefront in implementing these state-of-the-art security measures.

What is CTX technology?

CTX machines take advantage of computer tomography X-ray technology, allowing passengers to carry electronic devices in their hand luggage during security checks. This eliminates the need for passengers to remove electronic items separately and place them in the tray, thereby simplifying the security check process. BCAS plans to deploy full-body scanners in a phased manner, and the installation of scanners based on computer tomography technology is expected to provide a two-dimensional view of objects inside hand luggage. This not only enhances security but also speeds up the security screening process, thereby contributing to a more efficient and passenger-friendly experience.

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