
CRPF jawan was abducted by Naxalites during encounter in Jharkhand, missing for nine months

Ranchi, Aman Tiwari : Nine months ago, CRPF jawan Badal Murmu, who was missing in an encounter during the Naxal operation in Chaibasa, was abducted by the Naxalites. After this he was murdered and his body was buried in the forest. Recently, police officers heard this during a telephonic conversation between Naxalites. However, since the body has not been found yet, police officials are not confirming the murder. According to the information, recently after an encounter a call of a Naxalite was intercepted. While talking to fellow Naxalites on mobile, the Naxalite was heard saying that the jawan who was in his custody was murdered and his body was buried in the forest. Here, according to police sources, about 10 days ago it had come to light that Badal Murmu was alive and in the possession of Naxalites in the forest of Kolhan itself. But when the matter was verified from the police level. At that time it was not revealed that he was alive.

Badal Murmu is a resident of Rajnagar of Seraikela. He was involved in the campaign launched against Naxalites in January 2023. Naxalites had installed spike holes and IEDs at various places to trap the police. It was during the operation that Badal Murmu got trapped in their trap and was kidnapped by the Naxalites. However, Naxalites have not yet taken responsibility for his murder. According to Azad, spokesperson of Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area Committee, when a tribal soldier is killed during the Naxal operation, then his reality is hidden. Its example is Badal Murmu. He was sent in the ongoing Naxal operation in Kolhan. He has probably been killed. But to hide the truth of his death he has been declared a fugitive.

There is no clarity yet regarding Badal’s death or survival. But there is no hope of his survival in the area where he went missing.

-Ashutosh Shekhar, SP Chaibasa

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