
Crowd gathered on the weekend to see Banke Bihari, special arrangements were made by the temple management, the administration also failed


Agra . In Vrindavan, there was a flood of faith on the Banke Bihari temple on Sunday. Thousands of devotees were seen standing in line to have darshan of Banke Bihari. A huge crowd was seen in Banke Bihari on Saturday also, but on Sunday it became more crowded. On one side the devotees waiting desperately to have the darshan of Banke Bihari and on the other side the heat of the sun. All the claims made by the administration to control the crowd were seen to fail. Even on normal days, many devotees come to visit the deity at Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan. But on weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays, lakhs of devotees come to visit. Due to which the situation also worsens. Many times the devotees have also fainted due to the crowd. But the administration is continuously making claims to handle the crowd coming to the temple and to make the arrangements smooth, but all these claims are proving to be insufficient.

Shopkeepers could not open shop due to crowd

Devotees were seen queuing up in the morning and evening to visit Banke Bihari on Saturday. On the other hand, on Sunday, the record of the crowd of devotees was seen to be broken. Thousands of devotees stood in all the streets around the Banke Bihari temple to have a darshan of their deity. Many devotees were facing problems due to the ever-increasing crowd. On the other hand, as the weather started showing its wrath, many devotees were seen struggling with the problems of fainting and dizziness due to the heat. Such was the crowd around the Banke Bihari temple that even the shops in the streets were not able to open completely. Shopkeepers say that the crowd is so much that they are not even able to open the shop, but they are not even able to reach their shop.

500 to 700 meter crowd of devotees

The condition of the crowd of devotees coming to visit Banke Bihari temple is that the crowd of devotees is visible from about 500 to 700 meters. They have to stand in line for 2 to 3 hours to have darshan of Banke Bihari. It was claimed by the administration that police and all other arrangements have been made for crowd control. Barricading has been done and devotees are being made to enter the temple by queuing up. But the way the situation seems to be deteriorating due to the crowd near Banke Bihari temple on Saturday and Sunday, all the claims of the administration are failing.

Report- Raghavendra, Agra


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