
Crime News: Mother of female inspector was murdered by slitting her throat in the flat, father was accused of…

49-year-old Nirmala Devi, mother of Preeti Kumari, a female sub-inspector posted at the Civil Lines police station in Gaya city, was murdered by her father Mukesh Kumar by slitting her throat late on Monday night. This incident took place in a flat in the locality located near Bisar Pond. The female inspector is originally a resident of Madhopur village of Kudhani police station area of ​​Muzaffarpur district. She lived here with her parents in a rented flat. As soon as the information about the incident was received on Tuesday morning, City DSP Parasnath Sahu, Civil Lines Police Station Head Pankaj Kumar and a large number of sub-inspectors and other policemen from different police stations reached there and consoled the crying female sub-inspector Preeti Kumari. However, after killing his wife, Mukesh Kumar fled from the scene. Here, the post-mortem of the body was conducted at Magadh Medical College and handed over to the family members.

SSP constituted SIT

SSP Ashish Bharti has told that the victim woman sub-inspector informed the Civil Lines Police Station Head on Tuesday morning that her father had absconded after murdering her mother at her residence in Bisar Pond. This incident was taken seriously. A special team has been formed under the monitoring of City SP Himanshu. City DSP Parasnath Sahu, Civil Lines police station incharge Pankaj Kumar and many police officials and the police team of technical cell have been included in this team. Besides, FSL was immediately sent to the spot to conduct scientific research and related evidence was collected.

There was a dispute over some issue on Monday night

Due to her duty in Civil Lines police station, woman sub-inspector Preeti had taken a three-bed flat in a house near Bisar Pond. Mother Nirmala Devi and father Mukesh Kumar also lived with him. There was some dispute between the parents at home on Monday night. After the tension, the matter was calmed down and the lady inspector Preeti went to sleep in her room. Also, his parents went to sleep in the other room. When Preeti woke up on Tuesday morning, she saw that the door of her parents’ room was locked from outside. He thought both of them might have gone for a morning walk. During this time, when Preeti’s eyes fell on the blood flowing from inside the room, she was left speechless. The scene inside the room was something different. Then the police of Civil Lines police station reached there and saw that the inspector’s mother had been murdered by slitting her throat with a sharp weapon. There was blood scattered around the dead body. Also, the inspector’s father was missing from there.

Police busy scanning CCTV footage

The SIT formed on the instructions of the SSP has started investigating the case. The female inspector took the statement from Preeti and contacted the landlord and examined the footage of the CCTV camera installed there. In the footage, the father of the female inspector is seen running fast. Here, the City DSP present on the spot said that investigation is being done at every point. Based on the statement of the female inspector, investigation is being done regarding the arrest of the accused father. Necessary instructions have been given to the Civil Lines police station regarding raids at all the places including Muzaffarpur.

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