
Coolant: How to cool the car if it overheats in summer?

Coolant: Summer is ready to knock in India. In the summer season, humans, animals and even trees and plants start getting burnt due to the scorching sun and intense heat. In such a situation, if you have a car, imagine what its condition would be like. How hot does its engine get in summer? The point to be made is that if someone goes on a long trip in the summer season, then what could be the condition of the car’s engine? This is a matter to think about. In such a situation, there is a risk of the car overheating and when a car overheats, there is also a risk of fire. Therefore, during summer days, the cooler the car, bus or any other vehicle is kept, the better it is. Now the question arises that how can a car or other four-wheeler vehicles be kept cool in summer? Then let us know.

How to keep your car cool in summer

In the summer season, the first solution to keep the engine of a car or any four-wheeler cool or prevent it from overheating is to get it serviced. During servicing, you have to take special care that you add coolant along with Mobil oil to your vehicle. It is this coolant that protects the engine of your car, bus or other four-wheeler from overheating. Many times people manage by adding water to save the expense of coolant, but this practice is not good for the health of your vehicle. Flushing the coolant is the right way to cool the car engine.

What is coolant and how does it work?

Coolant is a type of liquid like Mobil oil, which is capable of keeping the car engine cool. It is green in colour. This is also called coolant flush or radiator flush. It is a mixture of chemicals that keep the radiator of the car cool and clean the waste accumulated in the carburettor. It is used to keep the car from overheating as well as to clean scaling, rust or carbon deposits in radiators and carburetors. It is very important to have this in the car. It is important for the coolant to be at one level in the car.

Why is it necessary to put coolant in the car?

It is necessary to add coolant to the car to remove deposits, rust and old anti-freeze residues. Due to this, the coolant system of the car works optimally. Due to this, your car engine always remains cool. Even when there is foam in the coolant, the car engine gets coolness. If the coolant is not polished, there is a higher risk of the water pump bursting or failing. When this happens the water pump becomes completely sealed. To keep the water pump durable, it is very important to keep flushing the coolant.

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When should coolant be changed in car?

The best way to take care of your car in summer is that if your car is repeatedly overheating, then it should be understood that the level of coolant in it has reduced or it has become polluted. Just as the car starts emitting raw smoke when the Mobil oil gets polluted, similarly the car starts overheating when the waste gets accumulated in the coolant. The easiest way to identify it is by changing its colour. Its second symptom is that when the coolant becomes dirty, your car starts smelling. Sometimes the car starts smelling due to coolant leakage. In both these situations, you should check the engine of the car properly and correct its coolant level and keep the radiator-carburetor clean.

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