
Constitution maker Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was the pioneer of social renaissance, Jharkhand remembered this on his birth anniversary.

Ranchi: On the birth anniversary of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, Jharkhand remembered him and paid tribute. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leader Kalpana Soren paid tribute to him. Jharkhand Congress remembered him by organizing a program on his birth anniversary. Rashtriya Janata Dal also organized a program to pay tribute to him. People remembered the creator of the Constitution for his invaluable contribution. Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Ranchi Metropolitan, paid homage to his statue at Doranda by garlanding it.

Our strength is the Constitution

Kalpana Soren said that the Constitution is our strength. The Constitution is our self-respect. Hundreds of salutes on the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the creator of the Constitution who gave the great text of the Constitution to the country, the pioneer of social equality and social justice. He has written on social media We have fought for justice by looking the dictatorial forces in the eyes, we will fight for it.

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was the pioneer of social renaissance.

Under the auspices of Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee, the birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the creator of the Constitution of India, was celebrated at the State Congress Headquarters located at Congress Bhawan, Ranchi. On this occasion, the speakers threw light on the biography of Dr. Ambedkar, calling him the pioneer of social renaissance. Speakers said that his life was dedicated for centuries to the social, economic and educational upliftment of the exploited and Dalits. He continued to struggle throughout his life to end the orthodoxy and inequality prevailing in the society. Baba Saheb was a well-informed politician. He has left behind an invaluable legacy in the form of the Constitution.

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Shouted for equal rights

Speakers said that unless individuals are secure and prosperous, no society and country can develop. The speakers said that as long as the trumpet of people’s struggle against class discrimination and social and economic disparities continues to sound, the name of Dr. Ambedkar will be taken with respect. He sounded the trumpet for equal rights for women and weaker sections. On this occasion, state organization general secretary Amulya Neeraj Khalkho, media in-charge Rakesh Sinha, media chairman Satish Paul Munjani, spokesperson Sonal Shanti, Niranjan Paswan, Kedar Paswan, Sahdev Ram, Raju Ram, Jagarnath Sahu, Vishisht Lal Paswan, Ramesh Pandey, Ranjit Bauri, A large number of Congressmen including Bhushan Kumar paid tribute.

If we want to save the country, we will have to follow Baba Saheb’s constitution.

The birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the creator of the Indian Constitution, great jurist, liberator of innumerable exploited and oppressed, pioneer of social justice, rich in versatile talent, was celebrated at the state office of Rashtriya Janata Dal in Ranchi and tribute to Baba Saheb. Was offered. On this occasion, State Vice President Anita Yadav, Women’s Cell President Rani Kumari, Sudhir Gopi, Ajay Yadav, Mahavir Singh, Vivek, Ramkumar Yadav, Manager Yadav etc. were present.

ALSO READ: Special on Ambedkar Jayanti: Pappu Kumar Das left the job of a driver and started his own business, providing employment to more than 150 people.

Baba Saheb will always be remembered

On the birth anniversary of Baba Saheb, the work done by Baba Saheb for the country and society was remembered. Vice President Anita Yadav said that if Baba Saheb had not been there, the condition of women would have been pathetic. The work done by him for Dalits, minorities, backward people and women will always be remembered. It is because of the Constitution that today everyone has rights.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the pioneer of social equality and harmony.

On the birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Vishwa Hindu Parishad Ranchi Metropolitan under the leadership of Metropolitan President Kailash Kesari paid homage to his statue at Doranda by garlanding it. Jharkhand State Minister of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Mithileshwar Mishra, who was specially present on this occasion, described Dr. Ambedkar as the pioneer of social equality and harmony and said that he has made an unprecedented contribution in the upliftment of the deprived sections of the society and women. Over time, he was definitely saddened by the distortions like untouchability, caste discrimination, untouchability etc. that had come to the Hindu society due to hundreds of years of rule by foreign invaders, but he had immense respect in his heart for the Hindu religion or the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Instead of adopting Islam or Christianity, he took initiation into Buddhism, which is a part of Sanatan Dharma. There is a need for the entire Hindu society to understand this today. By following the path shown by him, the vision of a united nation will be realized by eradicating caste based discrimination from the society. Ranchi Department Publicity Head Amar Prasad, Ravi Shankar Rai, Vishwaranjan, Pappu Verma and others were present on the occasion.

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