
Constipation and gas are troubling you, know the reasons and natural remedies

Constipation and Gas Problems

Constipation and gas are the root cause of many diseases.

For a healthy body, your digestive system should be strong. But your health is badly affected due to the problems related to it. In fact, constipation and gas are the root causes of many diseases. With increasing age, the digestive system gradually begins to weaken, due to which the possibility of constipation increases. In such a situation, when the disease of constipation becomes chronic, gas starts forming from the remaining stool in the stomach. Therefore, these should be avoided for good health and long life.

What are the causes of constipation?

In today’s lifestyle, our eating habits and living habits have all changed. The main reasons for this are consumption of excess tea, coffee and cold drinks, smoking, drinking alcohol, mental stress, relaxed lifestyle, less intake of chilli spices, green vegetables and fruits, eating more non-vegetarian food. Apart from this, street food is rich in taste. Consumption of food items also increases constipation.

due to gas

Many people are always troubled by gas. Those who have stomach problems, that is, poor digestion power and those who suffer from chronic constipation, are troubled by the problem of gas. Along with this, gas causing food like urad dal and non-vegetarian food has a direct effect on gas disease. Among vegetables, beans, peas and beans also increase gas. Moong dal should be consumed instead of urad dal. Excessive consumption of flour, gram flour, fried foods, chaat-pakodas, tea-coffee biscuits can cause gas disease. Mental stress, anxiety, insomnia, heavy food, polluted food also cause gas problem. To avoid this, drinking Sattu dissolved in water is beneficial, but eating too much Sattu in Litti makes it gassy.

How to prevent constipation and gas

By preventing constipation and gas naturally, you will get relief from many diseases. If we want to avoid this, our diet should be satvik. The main reason behind the problem of constipation and gas is our lifestyle. This includes the time of eating, what you are eating and how much you are eating; apart from this, how much stress you are under, all of these have an impact on it. You can improve your situation by improving your lifestyle.

Solution for sitting in Vajrasana

  • Sitting in Vajrasana – Sitting in Vajrasana for about 15 minutes after eating food helps in increasing digestion power and reducing gas.

  • If you want to avoid gas and constipation, eat the next meal after digesting the previous meal.

  • It is beneficial to consume light, digestible, balanced diet like milk, green vegetables, dry fruits, fruits, salad, sprouted moong, wheat.

  • Among vegetables, eat greens, gourd, shrimp, bitter gourd, papaya and among fruits, eat guava and wood apple. Eating guava provides relief from constipation

  • After guava, papaya ranks second among anti-constipation fruits, consumption of grapes and amla is also an effective remedy.

maintain regular routine

  • No matter how busy you are, maintain your daily routine. Drink the water kept overnight in a copper vessel till your stomach is full and go for defecation after walking for some time.

  • Physical dysfunction is also due to constipation and gas, hence one should take a walk in the morning and evening.

  • Be sure to drink adequate amount of water. Apart from water, consumption of buttermilk and coconut water is beneficial for people suffering from gas. In summer, consume ripe wood apple juice, cucumber, watermelon, cucumber. If you are troubled by gas, then consume cold milk instead of hot milk.

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