
Consent is being taken from the owners of land and houses regarding land acquisition in Gorakhpur, compensation will be received by the end of April


Gorakhpur. Under the Goddhoiya Nala project, the land and houses coming under its purview may start getting compensation by the end of this month. After talking to the people, the district administration has started work for their consent. The district administration will give compensation equal to 2 times the circle rate. The people whose land is being marked in its survey. They are being given a consent letter. Consent will be given by the people whose land has been identified in the Goddhoiya Nala project. Only after this they will be compensated.

Compensation will be received by the end of April

600 crore rupees have been allocated by the government for the acquisition of land of Goddhoiya drain. The distribution work of compensation will start soon after getting the allocated budget from the state government. The budget is expected to be received soon after the start of the new financial year. District Magistrate Krishna Karunesh told that the work of land acquisition for the Goddhoiya Nala project has started. People’s consent is being taken for this. The compensation amount is expected to come soon by the government. On the basis of consent, the distribution work of compensation will be started. After which the work of Goddhoiya drain will be started and the work will be completed in time.

There may be problems in land acquisition

The work of land acquisition is being done by the district administration at the place identified in the Goddhoiya Nala project. In many places the rate of land is more than the circle rate. In such a situation, people who have land in those places. It will be a bit difficult for the administration to get consent from them. Areas where the current rate of land is less than the circle rate. The people there can easily be ready to give the land. People whose houses have been identified in the development work. The amount of compensation will be given to the landlord on the basis of the evaluation report of the PWD regarding the compensation of the house and according to the age of the house.

Report- Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur


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