
Congress, SP, BSP governments kept people away from schemes, UP made poor sick: CM Yogi

Gorakhpur : On Monday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath transferred an amount of Rs 51.52 crore with a single click to the accounts of the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) in a program organized at the Veer Bahadur Singh Sports College campus. The amount of different installments has been sent to the bank account of 5100 beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The first installment at the rate of 50 thousand has been sent to 250 beneficiaries, the second installment at the rate of 1.5 lakh to 2602 beneficiaries and the third installment at the rate of 50 thousand to 2248 beneficiaries. During this, the Chief Minister handed over the symbolic keys of the houses to 12 beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

In 6 years, 5.5 crore people rose above the poverty line

Targeting the opposition, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in his address from the stage that. Despite being rich in resources, Uttar Pradesh remained a poor and sick state due to the bad policy and misgovernance of the former non-BJP government. The double engine government of BJP has given a new identity to Uttar Pradesh with good governance and good governance. Today the world believes that Uttar Pradesh is not a poor and sick state, but a state where 5.5 crore people have risen above the poverty line in 6 years.

The Chief Minister questioned the previous governments as to where the Congress, SP, BSP governments, which ruled for a long time, deprived the public of the benefits of the schemes. Congress could not remove poverty even by giving slogans. The slogans of Samajwadi Party have become symbols of corruption in the clutches of casteism and familyism. The whole state was getting absorbed in the belly of BSP’s elephant. The result of all this was that UP went backward. If the people remain poor then the state and the country cannot prosper.

Purvanchal freed from encephalitis disease

The Chief Minister said that in many districts of Purvanchal including Gorakhpur, from July 15 to November 15, a decade of encephalitis disease used to prevail among the people. Encephalitis disease had killed 50 thousand children in the last 40 years. But the double engine government has eradicated encephalitis. Encephalitis disease is completely under control. Only the announcement of abolition is left. The Chief Minister said that due to the strengthening of BRD Medical College and establishment of AIIMS, now no disease, cold, summer or rain can ever affect the children.

Ration card, electricity connection, cooking gas connection to the beneficiaries

During this, the Chief Minister told the PM Awas Yojana as a gift from the Prime Minister and said that houses should be built on time with the amount of the installment. If someone asks for money, inform me directly. The Chief Minister informed that the beneficiaries of PM Awas Yojana will be given the benefits of ration card, electricity connection, cooking gas connection, Ayushman Yojana. He talked about calling the people’s representatives for the house warming and feeding the people’s representatives who eat themselves.

54 lakh poor got houses

The CM said that 54 lakh poor have got houses in Uttar Pradesh under PM Awas Yojana Urban. 43600 houses are approved in Gorakhpur. Out of this, 35500 houses have been completed. Apart from this, 61184 houses have been provided in the last 6 years in rural areas. During this, the Chief Minister appealed to all the people to join the Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign. And said that we have a responsibility towards our country and its soil that we should not spread filth, resist anarchy, do not allow corruption to flourish. Give information about lawlessness, hooliganism, corruption to the administration. The administration will take care of it.

Report: Kumar Pradeep

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