
conflict between iran and pakistan

The conflict between Iran and Pakistan is a matter of concern amid the increasing geopolitical conflicts and tensions in different parts of the world, especially in West Asia. Last Tuesday, Iran attacked two bases of a terrorist organization named Jaish-e-Adal, about 50 kilometers inside the Pakistani border, with drones and missiles. Calling it a violation of its airspace, Pakistan has refused to return the Iranian ambassador, who is in Iran these days, and has also recalled its ambassador from Tehran. In response to Iranian attacks, Pakistan has also attacked a border settlement of Iran. Jaish-e-Adal has been targeting Iranian soldiers and security personnel for a long time by setting up bases in Pakistan. Although both the countries have been accusing each other of harboring terrorist gangs, but this is the first time that both the countries have officially taken military action against each other. This confrontation between the two countries has taken place at a time when the fear of a major regional war is increasing due to the Israel-Hamas conflict in West Asia and Israel’s continuous attacks in Gaza. Due to the sanctions imposed by the Houthi group in the Red Sea and America’s military response, the situation there is getting out of control.

Due to Pakistan protecting and supporting terrorist groups and using them against neighboring countries, its relations have deteriorated not only with India but also with Afghanistan and now Iran. Relations between Iran and Pakistan were not that bad, but these attacks indicate that Iran’s irritation with the gangs run by Pakistan has deepened and its tolerance has begun to wear down. The latest incident should be a matter of concern for Pakistan also. For a long time, there have been concrete allegations against Pakistan of supporting terrorism at the international level. Official action has been taken against him for providing financial support and arms to terrorist groups. There are many gangs and leaders who are under UN sanctions, but they remain openly active in Pakistan. Pakistan should abandon its policy of supporting terrorism. We see that it is stuck in a huge economic crisis and the life of common Pakistanis is getting worse. The country is running on grants from the International Monetary Fund and some countries. In the year 2020, the then Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa had said that the country should adopt geo-economic policies. This will be in the interest of Pakistan and will also strengthen peace and stability in South and Central Asia.

Pakistan as a country and its people have suffered huge losses due to the pro-terrorism policies of the Pakistani government and army. There are many types of terrorist groups, which target Pakistani security forces and innocent civilians also. There are also organizations demanding separation from Pakistan. These terrorists also have connections with smugglers, criminals and hawala operators. A large number of terrorist attacks have taken place there in the last two years. Elections are about to be held there. There is an atmosphere of unrest due to internal political conflicts. The action it has taken in response to the Iranian attacks does not have much meaning. This has been done only to show the Pakistani public. Pakistan claims that a large number of alleged terrorists have been killed in these attacks, but Iran has said that some people have lost their lives, none of whom were Iranian citizens. Those who died were Pakistani or Afghan refugees.

If Pakistan is thinking that by spoiling relations with neighbors other than China, it will move ahead or achieve a respectable position at the global level, then it is its mistake. This has never happened to any country in history. The atmosphere of tension with Iran will last for a few days, but it is hoped that it will not turn into a major conflict. The acting Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Foreign Minister of Iran are in Davos in connection with the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Both of them met there. The Iranian Foreign Minister has also spoken to the Pakistani Foreign Minister on phone. In such a situation, I feel that the matter should not proceed further and after some time the ambassadors of both the countries will also take over their work. The Indian Foreign Ministry has issued a balanced statement on this conflict. It is right for India to say that this is a mutual matter between the two countries, hence no comment can be made on it. There is a hidden message in saying that both the countries should take decisions through dialogue among themselves. But India has also said that terrorism should not be tolerated in any way. By saying this, India has given a hint towards its military action in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are in our neighbourhood. Therefore, India’s hope will be that the conflict between the two countries does not escalate further and no major crisis arises. In this regard, efforts should be made to resolve tensions through diplomatic efforts. Pakistan should give a clear message to its neighboring countries and the international community that it will not allow its land to be used for terrorism. Iran should also behave maturely. In one week, it has carried out missile and drone attacks in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan. Pakistan is a nuclear powered country, while Iran is also a big military power. There is no sign of the Russia-Ukraine war stopping right now. Due to that war, not only has the global economy suffered a setback, many geopolitical tensions have also deepened. After that, there is a possibility of a big war in West Asia. The death toll in Gaza has exceeded 24 thousand. Due to the Red Sea crisis, prices of various commodities including oil have started increasing. There is definitely a fear of military conflict. In such a situation, the tension between Iran and Pakistan is another bad news for the world.

(These are the personal views of the author.)

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