
Companies proposed to set up 152 industries in Bihar, but only 17 got approval


Bihar will soon become self-sufficient in ethanol. Ethanol will be supplied from Bihar to other states. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said these things on Thursday on the occasion of the inauguration of Bharat Urja Distilleries Private Limited, an ethanol plant in Murarpur industrial area. Addressing the gathering, he said that industries are coming up very fast in Bihar. Due to this, the state is developing rapidly.

Various companies propose to set up 152 industries

Nitish Kumar said that proposals have come from various companies to set up 152 industries in Bihar. However, the central government has given permission to set up only 17 industries. He said that in the year 2007, when the Government of India brought the ethanol policy, the process of setting up industries in Bihar started. Then ethanol was to be made from sugarcane, but it was not approved. Because of this there was delay in setting up the industry. Now the industries are looking fast.

Ethanol plant is built on 23 acres

CM said that the work of Bharat Urja Distilleries has been completed very fast. When he came last year, the work was going on. The Chief Minister congratulated the directors of the company, Komal Singh and Shubham Singh, for completing the work expeditiously. He said that this is the first plant to make ethanol from grains, where ethanol will be made from maize and rice. Rs 152 crore has been spent on the construction of this plant. It has been built on 23 acres.

Get approval of other proposals from Shahnawaz Hussain Center

The Chief Minister said that some people are working to defame Bihar. But since the industry has started setting up, the entire administration has been put on alert mode so that the industrialist does not face any problem. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar asked former Industries Minister Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, who was present at the inauguration program, to talk to the central government and get approval for the remaining proposals, so that more and more industries can be set up.

Facilities are being given to industrialists

Talking about the facilities given to the industrialists, the CM said that the government is giving up to 80 percent discount on the land acquired from Biyada. The Chief Minister accused the Central Government of not giving special status to Bihar. He said that even when he was a part of the NDA, he has been raising the demand for special status. Referring to other development schemes, he said that an amount of one million is being given to all sections for setting up small scale industries, in which half the grant is also there. CM said that today women are becoming self-reliant through livelihood. Women of all classes have been given reservation up to 35 percent in jobs. Cycle scheme was implemented for the education of girls.

Employment opportunity will increase

Legislative Council Chairman Devesh Chandra Thakur thanked the Board of Directors of the plant for setting up the plant. He said that this will increase employment opportunities. Finance Minister Vijay Chaudhary said that development is happening fast in Bihar. Industrialists are getting all the facilities. Industries Minister Sameer Mahaseth also said that industrial units are coming up very fast in Motipur. Due to this employment is increasing.


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