
Common Man Issues: Drinking water crisis deepens in Kharsawan’s Barjudih, women forced to fetch water from one and a half kilometer away


Common Man Issues: Drinking water crisis has started deepening in Barjudih village located in Bitapur panchayat of Kharsawan block under Seraikela-Kharsawan district. Angry villagers protested with deckchi-buckets on Friday. The villagers said that with the increase in the heat, the drinking water crisis is taking a dire form. The villagers have demanded the administration to remove the drinking water crisis.

Jharkhand News: Women demonstrated with deckchi-bucket regarding drinking water supply.

All three chapakal bad, two government wells dry

People of Barjudih Upartola, eight km away from the block headquarters, are struggling to get drinking water. All the three hand cranks installed in the village are bad. Solar powered water tower has collapsed. Two government wells and one private well have also dried up. 60 families live in the village. This year, a water tower was installed in the village under the Nal-Jal Yojana. Boring has also been done near the project site. But due to not boring properly, water is not available. Water is available only two-three days a week through the Nal-Jal Yojana. The villagers allege that transparency has not been maintained in the scheme. Water is available for half an hour only two-three days in a week.

One and a half km away, water is brought by the Chuan of Kondadih Nala

The villagers of Barjudih Upartola told that thirst is quenched by the old chuan built on the bank of the drain at Kondadih. For this, the villagers have to go to Kondadih village, one and a half km away. The villagers have demanded for domestic water supply by better operating the tap water scheme in the village. People also face difficulty in taking bath, washing clothes and giving water to cattle.

These villagers demonstrated

Performers include Vijay Hembrum, Gari Munda, Dholakha Munda, Sahu Hembrum, Jago Hembrum, Krishna Hembrum, Gujjar Hembrum, Pintu Hembrum, Boyra Hembrum, Manohar Hembrum, Madki Bankira, Gada Hembrum, Goyla Kurli, Sukurmani Hembrum, Sandhya Kurli . The villagers demanded an inquiry into the deep boring.


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