
Committee formed to investigate illegal sand mining in Garhwa, now hearing will be held on January 12

Manoj Singh, Ranchi

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has formed a five-member committee to investigate the Pachadumar sand ghat illegal mining case of Garhwa. The committee’s report was to be submitted to the government in NGT by 24 November. Due to not being able to submit the report, the government has sought time from NGT. The next hearing of this case will now be on January 12.

According to the information, in this matter the Land Acquisition Displacement and Rehabilitation Farmers Committee has accused Jharkhand State Mines Development Corporation (JSMDC) of using fake certificate of the Divisional Forest Officer of Garhwa for the sand excavation process. The committee has also raised the issue of environmental damage caused by illegal sand mining in Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary in Bihar and Garhwa in Jharkhand.

The committee has said that Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary falls in the eco-sensitive zone. Whereas illegal sand mining is taking place at a distance of 900 meters from its border. Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh has been declared an eco-sensitive zone. At the same time, the draft notification of Bihar area has not been done yet.

Mining process of 177 sand ghats of the state continues:

JSMDC started the process of mining of 177 sand ghats of the state on 21 November 2017. This sand ghat falls in 19 districts of the state. Pachadumar sand ghat of Garhwa is also included in this. For this, the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SIA) has given environmental clearance. The petitioner alleges that fake certificate of Garhwa Forest Division North Division has been used in this. This matter is of August 9, 2018.

Formed a five-member committee

After listening to all the parties, NGT formed a five-member committee. This includes senior scientists of the State Pollution Control Board, DC of Garhwa or ADM level officials nominated by him, District Mining Officer or above level officials, senior scientists of SIA and DFO of Garhwa North.

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