
Coal production will be halted for three days, labor unions in Ranchi announced strike

Coal unions have announced a strike in the coal industry from 5 to 7 October. This decision was taken in the meeting of representatives of five labor organizations in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand. Ranchi on 14th September CCL Darbhanga House A meeting of representatives of all the federations working in the coal industry was held. In this, the decision to go on strike was taken after considering the circumstances arising in the coal industry due to the action taken by the members of the Officers Association of Coal India against the 11th wage agreement.

Relations between officers association and workers soured

Representatives of the five labor organizations condemned the action taken by the authorities. Representatives of labor organizations said that because of the Officers Association coal industry The cordial relationship between workers and officials has turned sour. The representatives said that if the Coal India management of the Government of India makes any increase in the salaries, facilities and allowances of the officers in 10 years, then all the labor organizations will oppose it.

Labor organizations will not attend any meeting with officers

Labor organizations said that despite this, if the management increases the salaries and allowances of officers, then it will have to be implemented on the workers also. Not only this, coal workers organizations said that now Coal India Representatives of labor organizations along with officials will not participate in any program to be held on any forum. After the meeting, it was decided that there will be a three-day strike in the coal industry on 5, 6 and 7 October 2023.

Workers will demonstrate on 21, 22 September and 3 October

All the federations called upon the coal workers to unite in all the companies/sectors and collieries and start preparing for the strike to make the strike successful. In this regard, jointly demonstrate at the unit level on 21st and 22nd September and at the area level on 3rd October.

These people were involved in the meeting

In the meeting, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) in-charge Lakshma Reddy, ABKMS vice president of BMS Majrul Haq Ansari, INTUC senior vice president federation AK Jha, HKMFF president Nathulal Pandey, RB Raghavan of HMS, Ramendra Kumar of IMWF (ATTC), IMW (AITUC) Vice President Ashok Yadav, AICWF (CITU) General Secretary DD Ramanandan and AICWF (CITU) Vice President RP Singh were included.

Jabalpur High Court has put a stay on salary agreement

It is noteworthy that the Jabalpur High Court of Madhya Pradesh canceled the order of June 22, 2023 regarding the new wage agreement (NCWA-11) for Coal India employees. Jabalpur High Court gave this order while hearing the petition of Department of Public Enterprises (DPE). The High Court said that after hearing all the parties within 60 days, a final decision should be taken on its implementation. It was also said that if the Coal Ministry feels that there is no discrepancy in it, then it can issue orders related to the wage agreement.

Why did the controversy happen?

DPE had opposed the pay agreement on the grounds that after this agreement, the salary of A-1 grade employees has become more than that of E-2 rank officers. In the petition filed on August 29, the officials said that this is a violation of the DPE guidelines passed by the cabinet. This is a violation of the fundamental rights of the officers. The Cabinet of the Government of India had earlier decided that the salary of officers will not be less than that of employees.

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