
Climate change due to deadly heat in June, Climate Shift Index revealed

-Seema Javed-

This year, in many parts of India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Bihar etc., after April, especially in the month of June, there has been deadly heat. recently climate central Real-time attribution of the Climate Shift Index (CSI) reveals that climate change heatwave adding fuel to the fire.

Urgent action needed to deal with heatwave

If Climate Central’s analysis is to be believed, the deadly heatwave that hit entire Uttar Pradesh between June 14-16, 2023 was at least twice as likely to be due to the effects of climate change. The results of this Climate Central report raise concerns about rising temperatures and heatwaves in India and emphasize the need for urgent action.

Climate change causes extreme temperatures

A CSI level above one is clearly attributable to climate change, while a level between two and five indicates that climate change has increased the likelihood of such extreme temperatures two to five times more . It is worth noting that worryingly, in some areas of Uttar Pradesh in June, the CSI level reached three, highlighting the increased risk of heatwaves caused by climate change.

Weather studies real time attribution

Real time attribution studies measure the effect of climate change on extreme weather events in the present. Using weather observations and climate models, they explain how climate change affects the intensity and likelihood of such events.

Need to work keeping the future in mind

The worrying link between rising temperatures, heatwaves and human-caused climate change calls for urgent action. Real-time attribution studies, conducted by Climate Central, provide strong evidence of climate change’s role in increasing extreme weather events. Governments, communities and individuals should cooperate to implement mitigation strategies, including transition to renewable energy sources, sustainable practices, and the protection and expansion of green spaces. By taking immediate action, we can address the challenges posed by the heatwave and work towards a sustainable and resilient future for all.

(The author is an environmentalist)

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