
Clash between two groups over supremacy in Kanpur, several rounds of firing-stone pelting, police raiding in search of the accused

Lucknow : In Kanpur, in Chakeri Safipur, there was a fierce ruckus between the two sides regarding supremacy. After the fight on both sides, there was rapid stone pelting and 11 rounds of firing. Due to which panic spread in the area, people hid in their homes. On information, Chakeri police reached the spot to investigate. During the investigation, shells and stones were found lying. The police of Chakeri police station is raiding to nab the accused from both the sides.

According to the people of Safipur area of ​​Chakeri, there was a fight on Saturday night between the group of vicious criminal Sahil Thakur and the goons of another group for supremacy. In no time, dozens of goons from both the groups reached the spot with hawk-sticks and pistols. After pelting stones at each other, there was rapid aerial firing. On information, Chakeri police station in-charge Ashok Dubey along with the force reached the spot to investigate. Till then Dabang ran away from there.

Panic among the people of the area due to rapid firing and stone pelting

On the other hand, during interrogation, the people of Chakeri Safipur area told that there is often a dispute between the group of criminal Sahil Thakur and his rival group regarding supremacy. There has been an incident of firing in the past as well. Both sides came face to face on Saturday night. After this, there was firing along with stone pelting in both. The people of the area say that there have been about 11 rounds of firing. Hundreds of stones were also found lying on the road. The station in-charge said that during the investigation, many hollows were found on the spot. Both sides are being searched. CCTV footage is also being scanned to nab the accused. Police has registered a case in this matter.

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