
Christmas 2023: Christmas songs were first sung in Christ Church

Manoj Lakra @ Ranchi: Christ Church, located on the Main Road of Ranchi, is the first church of Chhotanagpur, in which carols (Christmas songs) were first sung on the night of 24 December in 1855. This church was inaugurated on that day and the first service of the Holy Night was held. Rev. Manmasih Ekka, former Principal of Gessner Theological College, has written in one of his articles: The songs sung in praise of God were accompanied by musical instruments. Magnificent pipe organ, which cost Rs 3000 at that time. People from far and wide could hear its ringing. The faithful entered the church in procession. This group also included children from orphanages run by missionaries (Germans). The British also participated in the worship. But the history goes back even earlier, when there was no church here. Rev. Dieter Hecker, in his article The Development of Church Music in Christ Church, Ranchi and the Whole JIEL Church, writes: From the very beginning, the missionaries sent by Father Gossner attached great importance to church music. These missionaries reached Ranchi on November 2, 1845. They brought with them German hymn books, which they used in their devotion before any person was baptized and before any congregation existed. The first organ in Christ Church was installed in 1855. It lasted for about two years and was ruined during the First War of Independence in 1857. After this, the second organ was installed in 1908 and the third in 2007. The 2007 organ was in good condition, but was sent to the JIEL Church in Rajgangpur, Odisha. The current organ is the fourth organ of Christ Church.

In 1857, the newly constructed organ was destroyed by a furious mob.

Unfortunately, during the conflict of 1857, an angry mob destroyed the benches, fittings, windows and also the newly built organ. After this, only harmonium could be played in church services for about 40 years. Sometime before the end of the 19th century, missionaries again attempted to acquire a new organ. Dr. Alfred Notrot took the initiative to collect funds for a new organ during his visit to Germany in 1896. While he was sending a plate around to collect donations in a small town called Zorbig, near Halle, a man next to him said to him: If you want to get an organ for your church, I can buy it for you. Can give as a gift. That person was a Royal Organ Builder. He also kept his promise.

Germany’s organ came from Purulia on two bullock carts

After talking to the Royal Organ Builder, it was agreed to build a medium sized organ. The main equipment was manufactured in Germany itself. After this, the main equipment was packed in one box and pipes in the other box, which were to be connected to the main equipment in Ranchi. Dr. Notrot was instructed to visit the factory so that he could understand how to assemble the organ. However, due to some reasons he could not reach, so in his place another missionary Schuetz who was going to Ranchi was given the necessary information. After this both the boxes were first taken to Kolkata. Now there was a big problem as to how to reach it to Ranchi, because the only railway station after Kolkata was Purulia. Missionary Uffman working in Purulia got the responsibility of delivering those huge boxes to Ranchi. For this, two special vehicles had to be made. In this, one was a four-wheeler which was a little wider and the other was a two-wheeler bullock cart. Two pairs of bulls were pulling the big vehicle. And the convoy was accompanied by a supervisor, two carpenters and eight porters, who were helping in pushing the oxen.

Mansidh Tirkey becomes ‘song master’ of Christ Church

In her article, Anlelia Tirkey of JIEL Church has told about her grandfather Late Mansidh Tirkey, who was the song master at Christ Church, Main Road. He has written: Dada Mansidh Tirkey was born on 16 October 1857. In the circumstances of that time, finding himself alone in the village, great grandfather along with his family came to Ranchi overnight with the German missionaries. He handed over his two sons, Mansidh Tirkey and Paulus Tirkey, to German missionaries at a very young age and went to Assam along with the rest of the children. The education of these two brothers took place under the supervision of German missionaries. When Mansidh Tirkey grew up, he was appointed as a “song master” for Bethesda Church and Church. He contributed as a song master till his death. Mangal Tirkey, son of Mansidh Tirkey and Phulmani Tirkey, contributed as a tenor singer at Christ Church Ghar till 1972. At the same time, his second son Prasanna Tirkey, while working in Jamshedpur Tata Steel Company, contributed as a song master in Sonari Church from 1929 to 1960.

John Khalkho, Antony Kujur, Joseph Kujur formed the initial choir.

Retired Inspector General of Reserves REV Kujur has shared information about the choir team of Saint Mary’s Cathedral in his article. He wrote: On 3 October 1909, the formal prayers began. John Khalkho of Pathalkudwa, Antony Kujur of Carpenter Team and Joseph Kujur of Bank Dera formed the initial choir. John Khalkho took over as Choir Master. Initially, the choir of the cathedral used to sing Latin, English and Hindi songs through polygenic notes, in which there were no women. Around 1964-65, the members of the choir walked out in protest against the Latin and Western method of singing music. The choir was then reorganized through the efforts of Father Victor von Bortel and Father Decipper. In the method of worship, songs and music in Hindi and regional languages ​​replaced Latin and Western music. The organ playing continued. Along with this, mandar, cymbals and tabla also started being used.

Know the history of Saint Stephen Church Hazaribagh

St. Stephen’s Church of Hazaribagh is the first chapel of Chhotanagpur, where birth anniversary songs were sung. It was constructed by the British Government in 1842 for the soldiers and officers of the British Army. Chapel is for a special group, where common people cannot go. This was only for the soldiers and officers of the British Army. Chotanagpur Diocese of the Anglican Church was established in 1890. After this, on January 22, 1892, the charge of the synagogue was handed over to five missionaries of the Dublin University Mission of Ireland. At the same time the military cantonment moved from Hazaribagh to Ramgarh. Rev. KM Philip, the elderly priest of St. Paul’s Cathedral, said that the Anglican Church came to Ranchi in 1869. From this time onwards carol singing started in Ranchi. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Bahubazar was completed in 1873.

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