
Chinese citizen who duped hundreds of people by making fake betting app accused of involvement in hawala transactions

A Chinese national accused of duping hundreds of people by creating a fake betting app for football games in Gujarat is also accused of involvement in money laundering and hawala transactions worth Rs 2,300 crore. An officer of the Crime Investigation Department (CID) of the State Police has given this information.

According to the official, a look-out circular (LOC) has been issued against Wu Chaombo, a Chinese national who had come to Gujarat in 2018 and left after a short stay.

The official said that after hawala transactions worth Rs 2,300 crore were detected from the bank accounts of some of the arrested people recently, CID-crime and Railways officials took over the case separately from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) from the money laundering angle in March. requested to investigate.

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