
China Pneumonia: Mysterious virus spreading rapidly in China, know how India is preparing for it

The sudden increase in respiratory diseases across China has brought back memories of the early days of Covid. The new virus pneumonia has already hit many schools in China, but the government claims that no unusual or new disease has been detected so far. Most of the cases that have been reported so far have been in children. Due to which parents are worried and the number of patients in hospitals has increased. Meanwhile, some parents have also called for temporary school closure to prevent the spread.

When was the first case registered

China’s National Health Commission reported the first case of unknown pneumonia on November 13. Since then, cases have increased, with most of them being hospitalized. The situation came into focus this week when WHO sought more information from China, citing a report by the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) on clusters of unidentified pneumonia in children. The outbreak is said to be mainly in the capital Beijing, but also in northeastern Liaoning province and other regions of China. At the same time, a major hospital in Beijing has said that on an average they are seeing about 1,200 patients entering their emergency room every day.

What are the symptoms?

  • Fever

  • Swelling of lungs without cough

  • feeling cold

  • feel sick

  • loss of appetite

  • Sneeze

  • dry cough

Can this virus spread to India and other countries?

Unlike Covid, Mycoplasma is a well-known and common pathogen that causes new outbreaks every few years. And other viruses are also spreading, especially RSV. It is expected that countries around the world will have to face different types of pathogens this winter.

Many states were urged to prepare

India has issued a directive urging states to review their preparedness and keep their health infrastructure on alert. State governments in Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Tamil Nadu have asked hospitals and health workers to ensure preparedness to deal with patients complaining of respiratory problems.

How to stay safe from this virus?

WHO has recommended that people in affected areas follow general rules to avoid respiratory diseases. It is important to take some precautions to avoid the risk of China pneumonia. This includes the precautions taken during the Corona period.

  • Isolating when symptoms appear

  • Maintain a minimum distance from persons affected by flu

  • get tested or wear a mask

  • Avoid going to crowded places

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth unnecessarily.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water after returning from somewhere.

  • Make sure to get enough sleep to avoid this disease

  • Engage in physical activity regularly

  • Manage stress effectively.

  • To stay healthy, drink plenty of water and stay hydrated by eating a nutritious diet.

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