
Children are not getting sports facilities even after paying Rs 54 lakh in DSPMU


DSPMU: In a prestigious university of Jharkhand, students are being deprived of basic facilities. Sports related activities are almost at a standstill in the once famous sports college. This is the condition of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University located in Morhabadi, Ranchi, where every year Rs.350 is taken from the children in the name of sports fee but the students are not able to consume it. If we talk about the football ground of the university, then there is a gathering of outsiders all the time.

underprivileged students

Every morning local and nearby people will be seen playing cricket or running there. Some people have made that ground their base. Although, many youths preparing for the army also sweat hard in that ground, but the children who give 350 rupees every year to the university, who have the first right on this ground, remain deprived of its benefits. It should be known that about 18 thousand children study in the university. According to this, every year about 54 lakh rupees is taken only in the name of sports fee.

Sports fees in DSPMU

Information about the games organized by AIU is also not available.

Children are also not able to get information about many sports related programs organized by AIU (All India University). The lock remains hanging in the sports department of the university. Sports goods are neither sufficient nor are they available to the children on time. Teams for other sports including cricket, kabaddi, football have not been selected in the university, whereas every year children are enrolled under sports quota in every department.

basketball court is also closed

In the year 2019, the basketball court in the university was constructed by the IAS Wives Association of the state. This court remained in the use of children for a few days, but after that again the operation of the game has come to a standstill. Be aware that DSPMU used to be Ranchi College earlier. At that time this college was famous all over the state in the field of sports. The children of this college used to dominate in every game organized in the state. But with the formation of the college, the fees of the children increased every year, but they were not given any facilities related to sports.


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