
Children are more victims of these five infections in summer.

Health Tips: Summer season has started. Many parts of the country are in the grip of extreme heat and heat wave since the first week of April. As the heat is increasing, the risk of infection has increased from children to the elderly. Especially, small children have to face a lot of trouble in this season. Therefore, parents need to be cautious about the health of their children at this time. Because, due to excessive heat, problems like heat stroke, exhaustion, fever and cold become common in small children. This is the reason why schools or colleges remain closed for two-three months during the summer season. Know here about five common infections that occur in children in summer.

gastrointestinal infection

Gastrointestinal infections like food poisoning and viral gastroenteritis are common in children due to consumption of contaminated food and water during the summer season. Especially, children are more likely to get this infection because they eat anything with dirty hands. In such a situation, to avoid gastrointestinal infections, ask children to wash their hands frequently and keep them away from dirty things. Also keep in mind that you are consuming clean water. Apart from this, motivate children to include cleanliness related habits in their daily routine.

Also read:Health Tips: Avoid eating these things in summer, otherwise you may become victim of dehydration.

insect bites and stings

According to experts, insects like mosquitoes, ants and bees become more active during the summer season, due to which the chances of children getting bitten and stung by insects increases. The bites of these insects can cause itching, swelling, pain and allergies. In such a situation, for the safety of children, use insect repellents made for them. Make them wear full sleeve shirts and pants when they go out. Also, refuse to go to such places where water often accumulates. Because, insects grow more in these places.

fungal infection

Generally there is very high humidity in the summer season. Also, a lot of sweat comes out from the body. Because of this the risk of fungal infection increases. Underarms, body folds and waist area are some common areas where fungal infections are more likely to occur. To avoid such infections, attention should be paid to cleanliness. Also, it is very important to wear clean clothes.

heat rashes

Heat rashes are common in summer. It is also known as heat rashes. Heat rash is a common skin condition. This problem occurs when our sweat ducts get blocked, due to which red, itchy rashes appear on the skin. Due to underdeveloped sweat glands in children, they are more prone to heat rashes. To prevent this, parents should dress children in loose, breathable clothes. Keep them in ventilated places. Encourage people to take bath two to three times a day during the summer season.


Sunburn is a common summer disease, which occurs due to prolonged exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Actually, children’s skin is sensitive, which can burn easily. To protect yourself from sunburn, apply sunscreen with high SPF. Dress them in such clothes that cover the exposed skin. Also limit outdoor activities during busy times. As summer time is completely a time for holidays and fun. In such a situation, it is equally important for parents to be more aware about common seasonal diseases and take precautions for the safety of their children.

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