
Chia Seeds Benefits For Hair: How to apply chia seeds on hair in summer

Chia Seeds Benefits For Hair: As soon as the summer season starts, many problems also start. Hair related problems are more due to strong sunlight and sweat. Due to which hair fall also starts. If you also want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful during summer, then you can use chia seeds. Let us know how to apply chia seeds to hair and its benefits….

How to apply chia seeds to hair in summer

Hair falls the most during the summer season. In such a situation, you can apply chia seeds on your hair. This will not only stop hair fall but will also keep it beautiful. If you are thinking of applying chia seeds to your hair, then you can make a hair mask of chia seeds and coconut oil.

Chia Seeds Benefits For Hair
Chia seeds benefits for hair

For this, soak two tablespoons of chia seeds in a little water. After this, take two spoons of coconut oil in a bowl and add half a spoon of honey and a little more than one spoon of apple vinegar in it and then add soaked chia seeds in it. Make a good paste of all and apply it on your hair scalp. Leave it for some time and then wash the hair with shampoo.

What are the benefits of applying chia seeds to hair?

Chia Seeds Benefits For Hair
Chia seeds benefits for hair

Many types of vitamins, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids etc. are found in chia seeds which prevent hair loss and fall. Research has shown that chia seeds contain a good amount of zinc which helps in increasing blood circulation. Because of this the hair becomes thick and strong. Let us tell you that the nutrients of chia seeds are also very beneficial for the scalp. With its use, swelling in your scalp can be cured. If you are troubled by hair fall during summer, then definitely use chia seeds.

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