
Chhattisgarh: Tribal community on the streets, demanding not to give benefits of reservation to those who convert


Tribal society has now become active in the case of alleged conversion in Chhattisgarh. Tribal Security Forum started a big movement on 16th April to stop the conversion. Thousands of people from the tribal society participated in this rally. Preparations were done on a large scale for this. Tribal Security Forum is demanding delisting. According to this, the tribals who leave the original culture have to be separated from the benefits of reservation.

demand of tribal community

Let us tell you that a grand rally was organized by the Tribal Security Forum on Sunday, 16th April, in front of the Ram Mandir located on VIP Road in the capital Raipur. Through this rally, the tribal society demanded that those citizens who have adopted other religions leaving their original culture and their original religion, should be immediately excluded from the category of Scheduled Tribes. Necessary constitutional amendments should be made for this. Along with this, the facilities of the native tribes are being illegally snatched away by a large number of people who converted to religion in Chhattisgarh, in which reservation is also a major element. Along with Chhattisgarh, a rally was taken out to stop the injustice being done to crores of tribals of the country and to de-list the converts.

Demand for delisting of converted tribals

Tribal Protection Forum has argued regarding the delisting that reservation has been given to their community so that their social and economic conditions can be uplifted. But the basic purpose of tribal reservation becomes meaningless when the tribe rejects its original belief, culture and customs and converts to another religion. Now the question arises that when a person has lost the identity of his own community, how can he be eligible to avail the benefits given to protect and maintain his original identity? That’s why, in order to save our native culture, customs, languages, traditions and heritage of ancestors, Tribal Security Forum organized a huge rally on 16th April.


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