
Chatra: Swings installed in the park at a cost of Rs 18 lakh, broke within two months, allegations of misappropriation of money

Chatra, Mohammad Tasleem: In the Shaheed Vinay Bharti Park of Chatra district headquarters, swings etc. were installed for the all-round development and entertainment of children, which have reached a pathetic condition in just one year. The swings and other amusement equipment installed in the park a year ago have started breaking, due to which children are always in fear of falling. Many children have also fallen and got injured. There is no provision of benches for sitting in the park. The seat in the swing is also broken. In December 2022, swings and other entertainment items were installed in the park by the district administration at a cost of about Rs 18 lakh. The goods have started breaking after two months of installation. It is being said that low quality items have been installed. This is the reason why things have started breaking after a few months of installation. Rope has been used in place of shikar, which is breaking day by day. People say that money has been wasted by installing low quality goods in the park. The situation of poor quality in development works in the district is not improving.

Children live under the shadow of fear

The children who reach Shaheed Vinay Bharti Park live in fear. They are not even able to entertain themselves freely in the park. Along with the child, parents also remain worried. On the occasion of New Year, a large number of children had come to the park for entertainment. In which many children were injured when the rope broke while swinging. Three-year-old Piyushi Kumari was injured. His lip was cracked due to the fall. In this way many other children have also fallen and got injured.

What did the park operator say?

Park Director Kunal Bhardwaj said that the maintenance work is of the administration, efforts are being made to run it in a better manner with the available arrangements. Many swings and other amusement equipment have been repaired. Full care is taken that children do not get injured by falling. The district administration and the company installing the goods were informed about this several times, but no attention was paid.

DSO said

Chatra District Sports Officer Tushar Rai said that entertainment items were installed in the park. After installation, the equipment has been handed over to Municipal Council Chatra. The park is maintained by the city council itself. The company that installed the equipment in the park has done repair work several times.

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