
ChatGPT’s Chinese avatar has been launched, know what is special about it

Baidu Ernie Bot Chinese AI ChatBot Launch : After the success of OpenAI’s chat tool ChatGPT, tech companies around the world are busy in creating AI tools like ChatGPT. From Google to Microsoft are working on AI tools. In this sequence, now there is news that Chinese search engine and artificial intelligence (AI) company Baidu has made its language model equivalent to ChatGPT completely available to the public. With this announcement of the company, its share price increased by more than three per cent.

Beijing sees artificial intelligence as a key industry to rival the United States and aims to become a global leader in the field by 2030. After the introduction of the famous ChatGPT by the American company Open-AI, Chinese technology companies have also jumped into the race to unveil their own AI models in which new content can be created with the help of algorithms.

Baidu said that Ernie Bot is fully available to the general public through the official website and an app which until now was only available in China’s app store. Ernie bot provides text and images in response to questions and prompts provided by users. The free Ernie Bot app topped the charts on Apple’s iOS store in China within hours of its launch.

According to Robin Li, CEO of Baidu, by making the model public, Baidu will be able to get real-world feedback from a large number of people. Like Europe, China has made efforts in recent months to regulate the generative AI industry. There is currently no regulation in America.

China issued AI regulations on August 15, requiring companies to obtain security reviews and approvals before publicly rolling out their products. It is reported that China’s big tech companies are working to prepare AI chat tools like ChatGPT. According to the report, a total of five companies like Baidu, Sensetime Group and ByteDance are developing artificial intelligence chatbots. The AI ​​chatbot tool made by them will be released to everyone after getting the green signal from the government. (with language input)

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