
Change your habit of bathing immediately after eating, your health will change.

Bathing Habits

Digestive system problems due to bathing after eating food

According to Ayurveda, taking bath after eating can cause problems ranging from arthritis to skin diseases. In fact, after eating food, our body temperature increases by 2 degrees, which makes it easier to digest food. Taking bath immediately after food slows down the digestion process. It gets done. The body is not able to get proper nutrition from food, hence you should take bath before eating. Health Makes it better. One should not take bath for about 2 hours after a heavy meal, whereas one should take bath after 1 hour of a light meal.

Do not take bath after a full meal

Health experts say that taking bath after eating food can cause problems to your digestive system and other health problems. Our bodies actually work in complex ways and all our actions have potential consequences. Bathing habits are definitely one of them. Experts recommend that drinking a glass of warm or room temperature water before shower can help in reducing the problems related to blood pressure in the body. Drinking hot water provides heat to your body from within. As a result, blood vessels expand. This allows more blood to flow through them. This reduces blood pressure. One should never take bath after having a full meal. This weakens the digestive power. Bathing after a heavy meal may cause cramps, indigestion or bloating in some cases. It may be ideal to take a bath at least an hour after meals. Whereas taking bath before meal energizes your body.

If necessary, use lukewarm water

As the temperature drops after sunset, our body temperature starts decreasing, which is an indication that it is time to sleep. The expert said that taking a shower before sleeping closes the pores of the skin, due to which the body heat gets trapped inside. This can cause an increase in body temperature, which may disrupt your night’s sleep. If bathing is necessary, use lukewarm water

always pour water feet first

To improve health, you can also do oil massage of the whole body before taking shower. There is a risk of stroke by pouring bath water directly on the head. According to experts, such bathing disturbs the nervous system and there is a risk of stroke. Therefore, the right way to take bath is to always pour water on the feet while bathing.

use correct soap

If the right soap is not chosen for bathing, it can destroy the good bacteria of the body. Hard soap can make your skin very dry, because it removes the natural oil of the skin. Using too hot water while bathing can cause rashes on the skin and it also becomes dry. Always use lukewarm water for bathing in winter.

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