
Chandrayaan-3: Chandrayaan-3 left for the moon to create history, can make a soft landing on the moon in August

Chandrayaan-3: In the midst of a countdown of about 25 and a half hours, as soon as the needle of the clock reached 2.35, a wave of happiness ran on the faces of millions of Indians. Leaving a cloud of smoke, Chandrayaan flew fast towards its destination, the moon. Let us tell you, this is the third lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in the last 15 years. The whole country is excited by the success of Chandrayaan-3. In this episode, programming manager of Nehru Planetarium, Prerna Chandra has said that along with ISRO, all Indian citizens were enthusiastic about the mission. There was a feeling of fear because of Chandrayaan-2’s landing not being smooth. But, we see that we have successfully passed all the stages of the rocket and now, we are in space. The mission will help us to search for other exoplanets in the outer space which can sustain life.

Successful launch of Chandrayaan-3 using LVM3-M4 rocket
ISRO successfully launched its third lunar mission-Chandrayaan-3 through LVM3-M4 rocket from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota today i.e. on Friday. Under this campaign, soft landing will be attempted once again on the lunar surface. Once successful in this, India will join the club of countries like America, former Soviet Union and China who have achieved such a feat. ISRO Chairman S Somnath said that the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 is planned to be done on August 23 at 5.47 pm. ISRO officials said that after about 16 minutes of lift-off, the propulsion module was successfully separated from the rocket and it will move towards the lunar orbit, 170 km from the Earth at the nearest and 36500 km from the maximum point, about five-six times in an elliptical circle. will revolve around

The biggest challenge of the lander’s soft landing campaign

Chandrayaan-3 is the follow-up mission of Chandrayaan-2 of India’s lunar mission 2019. In this third lunar mission of India also, the aim of the space scientists is soft landing of the lander on the surface of the moon. Let me tell you, the soft landing of the lander is the biggest challenge of this mission. In this episode, ISRO Chief S Somnath said after the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3 that Chandrayaan 3 has started its journey towards the Moon. It can make a soft landing on the moon on the evening of 23 August. Lander, rover and propulsion modules are kept in Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft. There is a plan to land the lander and rover on the south pole of the moon. Here it will do many types of tests for 14 days, in which the propulsion module will study the radiation coming from the Earth by staying in the Moon’s orbit. It will also try to find out how seismic the lunar surface is. Apart from this, it will also study the soil and dust of that particular area of ​​the moon.

India will stand equal to American, Russia and China
During its mission, India’s second lunar mission Chandrayaan-2 was not successful in soft landing due to lander Vikram path deviation in the last moments. If this mission is successful, India will join the club of countries like America, China and former Soviet Union who have achieved such a feat. After the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3, there was an atmosphere of celebration in the whole country. Many people from India and abroad gave congratulatory messages to ISRO. During this, ISRO Chairman S. Somnath has appealed that the whole country should issue best wishes for the success of the mission. Somnath said that the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 is planned to be done on August 23 at 5.47 pm.

The cost of the entire scheme is Rs 600 crore.
ISRO chief Somnath has said that with the successful launch of this mission with an estimated cost of Rs 600 crore, there is a plan to place Chandrayaan-3 in the Moon’s orbit from August 1. He said that the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 is planned to be done on August 23 at 5.47 pm. Somnath said that after Friday’s launch, the rocket will move into an elliptical lunar orbit. He said, “We expect to place Chandrayaan-3 in the lunar orbit from August 1 and after two-three weeks the propulsion module and the lander module will separate, which will happen on August 17.” He said that if everything goes as per the schedule, then the last phase is planned to be done on August 23 at 5.47 pm.

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