
Celebrate Diwali boldly, away from animals, firecrackers make your heart beat faster.

With the arrival of Diwali festival, the problems of pet animals start. Especially the problems of dogs and cows increase a little more. It is believed that dogs are most afraid of sound. Dogs run away quickly due to fear of firecrackers or loud noises or hide in a room out of fear, so that less noise reaches their ears. In such a situation, people who keep dogs also get worried after seeing their problems. Giving information in this regard, veterinarian Dr. VK Singh said that animals should not be targeted during Diwali. If we talk about dog, then dog is very scared of sound. The hearing power of a dog is 20 times greater than that of a human. In such a situation, when a dog hears a loud noise, it faces a lot of trouble. After continuously hearing the sound, the dog starts panting loudly and also trembling. He starts running here and there. His heartbeat also becomes faster.

cover ears or use cotton

Veterinarian Dr. VK Singh told that dog’s ear is very sensitive. To avoid excessive noise or the sound of firecrackers, you can put cotton in the dog’s ears. This will definitely give them some relief. Apart from this, keep him in a closed room, so that minimum sound reaches him. He told that there are some medicines and sprays to avoid sound, but they are not that effective.

Dog lovers also use home remedies

cracker Or dog lovers also try home remedies in case of loud noise. Dog lovers take stray dogs to some quiet place. However, street dogs themselves change their place from the place with loud noise. At the same time, the pet dog is taken to a secluded room of the house and locked. Some cloth is also tied on his ears. Also keep the room safe by closing its windows and doors.


  • Do not burst crackers near any animal or bird.

  • Do not burst crackers at the target of animal or dog.

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