
Ceiling plaster of emergency dressing room of MGM Hospital fell, patient, dresser narrowly escaped URL text – BollywoodWallah


The ceiling plaster of the emergency dressing room of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical (MGM) Hospital suddenly fell on Sunday afternoon. It was a coincidence that an injured person had passed by there just a few minutes ago. Due to this, the employees and the injured patients were saved from becoming victims of the accident. This is not the first incident of plaster falling in MGM Hospital. Even before this, many incidents of falling of balcony and plaster have happened. However, no one was hurt during that time. Some vehicles were damaged due to falling of roofs. Here the hospital management says that a new building of MGM Hospital is being built at a cost of Rs 425 crore. The old building has to be demolished, due to which repairs are not being done.

atmosphere of fear among employees

There is an atmosphere of fear among the employees in MGM due to plaster and balcony falling every day. Employees say that there is always fear while working due to falling of plaster and sometimes the balcony. There is a constant flow of patients and family members. A major accident can occur at any time due to this. Earlier on January 13, 2024, the wall of the prisoner ward had collapsed. However, no person was harmed. On July 14, 2023, the outer balcony of the surgical building of MGM Hospital had collapsed. There is panic among the employees and people after Sunday’s incident.

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