
Cases of death due to pneumonia reduced in Bihar, now three out of one thousand affected children are dying.

Anand Tiwari, Patna. Pneumonia is taking away the lives of more than 12 thousand innocent children every year in entire Bihar including Patna. However, compared to the last five years, there is a decline in the figures last year. According to doctors who are members of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics Bihar Chapter, the number of diseases has reduced in Bihar due to vaccination against pneumonia and the availability of toilet facilities in every house.

Five years ago this figure was between 16 thousand and 20 thousand.

According to statistics, five years ago this figure was between 16 thousand and 20 thousand. Whereas in the last one year, about 12 thousand 500 children died due to pneumonia. Whereas 13 thousand children died in 2022, 14 thousand 600 in 2021, 10 thousand 840 in 2020, and 13 thousand 150 in 2019 due to pneumonia. But still two to three out of 1000 living children are dying of pneumonia.

Maximum deaths in Bengal and Rajasthan

According to the central average data of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, there are 18.4 lakh deaths due to pneumonia in a year in the country of children under five years of age, in which Bihar’s share is about 14 percent. Maximum deaths are occurring in Bengal at around 21 percent and Rajasthan at 19.2 percent. After this comes Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Assam and then Bihar. In view of this, doctors have advised to prevent diseases and especially to the families of malnourished children to remain alert.

One lakh 15 thousand children die every year in Bihar

According to the Indian Academic of Pediatrics Bihar Chapter, every year around 1 lakh 15 thousand children are dying due to various diseases in entire Bihar. In this, more than 20 percent of children die due to pneumonia alone. According to statistics, more than 35 lakh children are being born every year in the state. Most of these children die from pneumonia. The surprising thing is that many children are not able to even celebrate their first birthday. At the same time, doctors say that pneumonia vaccine is being administered free of cost in government hospitals. Due to this, we are achieving success in saving innocent people to a great extent.

Malnourished children are at greater risk

Dr NK Aggarwal, former secretary of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics Bihar Chapter and pediatrician of IGIC, said that the graph of deaths due to pneumonia has decreased in the last few years in Bihar. There has been a decline in the figures due to free pneumonia vaccine, toilets in every house, Ujwala scheme, visits to mid-day mills, cooking on gas and reduced pollution in the home and environment. But even at present, out of 1000 children suffering from pneumonia, three are dying due to pneumonia. Dr Aggarwal said that children can be protected from the dangers of pneumonia by getting them vaccinated on time.

Risk of disease increases in cold

Dr. Vinay Kumar, former pediatrician of Patna AIIMS, said that the risk of pneumonia increases in cold. Therefore, children aged one to five years need more attention in this season. Dr. Vinay said that the pneumonia vaccine is pneumococcal conjugate. This vaccine is given to children of one and a half months, two and a half months, three and a half months and up to 15 months. He said that children suffering from malnutrition are at greater risk of pneumonia.

disease prevention

  • – Feed children only mother’s milk for 6 months

  • – Massage the baby with lukewarm oil

  • – Keep your hand over your mouth while coughing and sneezing

  • – Dispose of used tissue immediately

  • – Protect children from cold – Dress the newborn fully.

  • – Cover the newborn’s head, ears and feet

  • – Take adequate rest and healthy diet

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